Walking forever

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Everyone settled down and sat on the couch just talking and having fun.

I came to the realization that being kidnapped actually saved my life.

"What happened to you?" Louis asked taking my hand. the entire room went silent.

"Blake pretty much tortured me."

"What happened to your leg?" Niall asked.

"When I tried to escape, he broke my leg. when I tried to heal it, it healed wrong. it doesn't hurt that much anymore."

You could hear the sniffs from Harry as the room went silent again.

He stood up and went to his room quietly. Aly looked at me and I knew she wanted me to see if he was ok.

I stood up and told everyone I'd be right back and rushed to his room.

I let myself in and saw Harry sitting on the floor across from the door weeping silently.


"Just go away, can't you see what I've done to you? this is my fault." Harry pleaded.

I paused and looked at him, "no it isn't. you didn't know what Blake was planning."

"Yes I did." Harry whispered.

I walked up to him and put my hands on his shoulders. he tried to shake them away but I held a tight grip.

"What do you mean?"

"Blake told me what he was going to do." Harry confessed.

"And you did nothing?"

"He told me that everything would be fine. h-he told m-me that you could heal yourself if you got h-hurt." Harry was weeping louder.

"Harry, you knew I would get hurt either way and you chose to turn your back."

"I'm sorry." Harry pleaded.

"How could you?"

"I'm sorry." Harry whispered.

"Get up."

"What?" Harry lifted his head from his arms.

"I said get up."

Harry obeyed me and stood up. he towered over me. all I could feel was betrayal.

I suddenly crashed my lips on his. he paused for a second, but he soon kissed back. I rested my arms on his shoulders , he wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled away out of breath.

"I'm here now, stop worrying."

"But I did this to you." Harry whispered. more tears fell from his eyes. I wiped them away with the sleeve of my hoodie.

"No you didn't, Blake did."

Harry hugged me hard and tight. I felt so safe in his arms.

I pulled away from his embrace to see an angry look on his face, "what do we do now?"

"We get revenge." Harry said calmly.


"No. we're doing this, just you and me. we go find Blake, we get revenge, then we leave. Understood?" Harry demanded. although his idea of revenge was interesting, my father told me revenge isn't the best option.

"I can't-"

"You can and you have to. what happened to the girl I fell in love with?" Harry lifted up my head by my chin with his hand.

"Fine I'll do it."

"Good, now let's go." Harry grabbed my hand and we rushed out of the room.

We got to the living room to find only Heath lying on the couch fast asleep.

"They must've went to bed." Harry said.

He quietly opened the door and pulled me out of the house. he grabbed my hand and we started walking.

"Where are we going?"

Harry looked at me, "the meeting place, that's where Blake spends most of his thinking time."

He never let go of my hand no matter what.

"Yaz?" Harry stopped walking along the path.

"Yeah Harry?"

"Have you ever thought about marriage?" he gripped my hand tighter when 'marriage' slipped from his mouth.

I paused and took a deep breath, "of course I have."

He smiled widely and kept on walking.

I stayed still and he gave me a confused look.

"You know why I'm not moving."

Harry sighed, "I do. we'll talk about this later."

"Fine." I groaned and started walking.

The rest of the wall was dead silent. all I could hear was the rustling of the leaves on the frozen trees. everything was happening so fast. I was taken by Blake, tortured, then saved by someone I thought I killed. something happened to make Heath want to help me. time flies when you are kept from your loved ones.


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