The Thirst

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Her eyes immediately darkened and I looked over to Liam. his face went white.

I looked Aly in her eyes and she spoke.

"Come over yazzie." Aly said staring at me hungrily.

My body froze in its spot and my legs began moving. without me telling them to.

Then I realised. She was controlling me.

"Aly!" Liam shouted.

Her eyes grew darker.

Harry tackled me to the ground and I got feeling in my legs back. I heard Harry say things to calm me down. I was angry. enraged.

The first time I see my friend as a vampire, she tries to kill me.

Harry picked me back up and held my waist tightly. Liam had calmed down Aly and her eyes returned to the vibrant red they had been before.

"What happened?" Aly asked looking at me scared out of her mind.

"Your thirst got the best of you." Louis said leaning on the door frame. Niall and Zayn just stood in the corner.

"Oh m god yazzie, are you-"

"Save it."

I walked out. tears were running down my face. I don't know why I was mad. I just saw something in her eyes that made me angry.

Harry chased after me. I went into the bathroom of his room and locked the door. I slowly slid down the door and put my hands to my face, and weeped quietly.

I heard footsteps.

"Yaz?" I heard a different voice speak coming from Harry's room.


"Yeah it's me. The boys took Aly for a hunt and training." Alex answered stepping closer to the door I was behind.

How long was I in the bathroom?

"Tell me something, did you seeing Aly like the way she was make you furious?" Alex asked in a sympathetic tone.

I didn't say anything. I was still weeping to myself.

He knocked on the door lightly, making me jump a little.

"You aren't gonna answer me are you?" Alex said calmly. I could tell my silence was annoying him.

"Open the door." he calmly said.

"Why should I?"

"Because I want to see the face that makes my day." Alex spoke.

I quietly moved from the door and opened it. I was pushed up against the counter, my back was in pain from the force. I let out a whimper of pain and opened my eyes.

He wasn't Alex.

He was taller than me by not that much, he had jet black hair that was cut perfectly and swooped just above his eyebrows. his eyes were glowing gold and his fangs were showing. he had a dimple in the middle of his nose that made me think he was Italian for some reason.

"Who are you?"

"Dominic." he spoke and let go of me.

"Another damn vampire, why must you things always pop up on me?"

By now, I've had so many surprise guests, I didn't care anymore.

"You're not gonna scream, beg for your life, run away, or fight back?" Dominic asked raising his eyebrows in surprise.

"I've had so many un-welcomed visitors, I'm use to it."

"Good to know, Griffin!" Dominic shouted towards the door.

In a flash, there was another guy in the room. he was the same height as Dominic. he had caramel skin, a shaved head, a button nose with full lips, and great taste in clothes. he wore a black hoodie with black jeans that he sagged with a belt that had a gold buckle. he wore Jordan's that I could never afford.

"Meet Alex's love." Dominic said annoyingly.

Griffin paused and looked into my eyes.

"Glad you think my shoes are expensive." he smiled.


"I read minds Hun." griffin smirked.


"And I can turn invisible." Dominic chimed in.


"Well enough of introductions, let's get out of this room." griffin broke the silence.

"What are you doing here?"

"I wasn't lying when I said the boys took their new toy for a hunt." Dominic said.


"You're lucky you're pretty, or else I would have to kill you." Dominic smirked.

I froze and began to panic. my heart was beating like a hummingbird's wings.

"Calm down, we wouldn't do it anyway." griffin said punching Dominic's arm.

Dominic gripped his arm and glared back at griffin.

"Now she won't be afraid of us." Dominic hissed.

"She doesn't need to be." griffin snapped.

"But I like girls that are afraid of me." Dominic said taking my hand. I slapped him away and he glared at me.

"She probably doesn't like you." griffin glared back at Dominic.

He was right. there was no bone in my body that had the slightest attraction to him.

"See, she said there is no bone in her body that has the slightest attraction to you." griffin laughed.

I blushed a walked out of the room.

"I'll make her." Dominic snapped

Panic ran through my body, but then I heard a door closing, I ran towards the living room to see Liam and Aly walking in, hands locked, and Harry was standing in front of them.

His eyes locked on mine and his eyes grew brighter.

He huffed over to me and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he zoomed to his room. Dominic and Griffin were gone by now.

He laid me on the bed and stood up.

Chills ran through my body when his hand grazed over my stomach to my neck and back down.

He leaned down and mumbled something that sent fear through me.

"I'm turning you."

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