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I sat there talking to Alex for what seemed like hours before I heard a knock on the door.

"That's Heath, I'll get it." Alex said getting up.


"Another member of my clan. Don't worry, he has the same hate like I do, so he probably won't tell anyone about you or Aly." Alex said reaching for the door knob.

Heath was a very attractive man. He had longer hair than Alex, which was also done up perfectly. he had piercing gold eyes. a chiseled jaw. and a toned body. he was very tan for a vampire.

"Heath meet Yasmaine, Yasmaine, Heath." Alex introduced us.

"Nice to meet you." Heath said in a very pleased tone.

"Can I talk to you outside for a moment?" Alex asked Heath.

Alex and Heath went outside. I was left there wondering what they were talking about.

Heath walked back in and closed the door. He had a look of sympathy on his face as he sat down on the couch.

He patted the spot next to him, signalling me to sit down.

When I did, he laid his hand on my thigh and stared into my eyes.

"You're very special." Heath said calmly.

"What do you mean?"

"Alex really likes you."


"Yeah, he told me he really felt something when you guys were talking." Heath sad taking my hand.

"Harry made me his 'mate' already. I don't know if I agree with that, I mean, I know that I have the same feelings for Harry, but I just don't want to be restrained."

"Don't worry. When Harry made you his mate, it only means you love each other." Heath said out of sympathy.


"You're probably wondering why I'm here." Heath said smiling.


He laughed, "the trial is taking longer than expected, so I said I'd take over for Alex while he goes for a hunt."

"Okay, wanna play a game?"

"Sure?" Heath looked at me confused.

I walked up to him slowly and, hopefully, seductively. I was centimetres away from his face and whispered.

"You're it."

And I took off down the hallway to Harry's room. Heath didn't use his speed. thank god.

I hid in Harry's closet and piled clothes on me to disguise myself.

"Where are you?" I heard Heath mumble as he passed by the bedroom door.

He can back again and paused in the door way. I could see everything he was doing from the crack I left in the closet door. He let out a sigh and sniffed the air.

His eyes shimmered as he looked in my direction and smirked.

"I know you're in here." Heath said seductively. at this point, I had no idea where this was going.

With his speed, he bolted over to the closet door and yanked it open. I let out a small whimper when he stepped inside the large walk-in closet.

I was rested in the far corner with piles of clothes on me.

"I can smell you sweet heart." Heath let out a sigh and sat in the middle of the floor in the closet.

He sat there. Just looking in all directions. He fixed his gaze upon the pile of clothes I was under in the corner.

I don't like waiting, so I quickly stood up, frustrated, I walked over to him and sat down in front of him.

"You make this game no fun."

"I'm not much of a game person." Heath said smirking.

"Don't you smirk at me, you ruined the game."

"You'll be fine." Heath said taking my hand.

"Heath, you know you're not a very fun person."

"I don't want to be fun." Heath whispered.

"Then what do you want to be?"

"Yours." Heath said breathlessly.

Well that escalated quickly.

In one motion, Heath had me in his arms. he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he held my thighs.

"Don't speak, don't move, and don't run. Don't make me angry." Heath hissed.

Seeing as Heath had total strength and control over me, I did as I was told. I still had no idea what the hell was going on.

He threw me down on Harry's bed and hovered over me.

I grabbed his hand when it rested on my chest.

"Not here. Not now." I whispered demandingly.

I didn't want him. Anyone but him. I'm pretty sure that having sex with someone else in Harry's bed will turn out to be living hell.

"Don't make me angry." Heath repeated.

No! no he's not doing this. I'm not letting him. this is dangerous. How do I get out if this situation?

"Don't. Touch. Me."

Anger struck through me. my eyes darkened with fury. Heath noticed this and his eyes grew brighter.

"I'll do whatever I want with you." Heath said through gritted teeth.

"No. You won't."

Heath started to lift up my shirt. I stopped him, he hissed, showing his fangs.

"Don't worry babe, it won't hurt for long." Heath whispered.

I started to panic.

I heard footsteps coming from the living room. Alex must be back from his hunt.

"Alex!" I screamed.

Within a second Alex was in the room. he saw Heath on top of me and his eyes glowed with rage. he yanked Heath off of me and held him in mid air by his neck. he threw him against the wall. Heath's head made a 'thud' against the wall and he fell to the ground.

"Baby are you okay?" Alex said rushing to my side. he picked me up bridal style and carried me to another room, Zayn's room, and placed me on the bed.

"I'm fine. besides, it's my fault anyway."

"How?" Alex asked looking at me in shock.

"I led him on, I-I didn't know h-he'd do that."

A tear fell from my dark brown eyes. Alex wiped it away with his thumb.

All of a sudden, he pulled me in close, hugging my tightly. he ran his hands through my hair and kissed my forehead.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart, I'll never let this happen again." he mumbled.

I'll never let this happen again...

The Street Light {vampire fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now