Test #2

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I woke up chained to a wall by my wrists and ankles. my right leg was in a tremendous amour of pain. I could feel the tears flow down my face as I try to move my leg.

The room was dark, except for a small skylight just above me which allowed some light to hit my face.

I tried to break free from the chains, but there was no use. the chains were made from gold, but it was mixed with silver to make sure no one could break free.

I was weak, and starving. there was nothing I could do. Why did Harry leave me? Why didn't I force Blake to take Harry with us?

This is my fault.

I noticed a door across from me, it was made of metal. I didn't see any metal doors when I went looking around Blake's house.

The door was shoved open and Blake walked in wearing a black tank top and black jeans. his arms was covered in cuts and gashes from my failed attempt at escape earlier.

He glared at me, I returned the favour and shook the chains furiously, creating an eerie screeching sound.

Blake looked at me in confusion, but it was soon replaced with anger.

He grabbed my arms and held them tight. he pinned them to the wall and stared into my eyes.

"Stop. It." Blake hissed, showing his fangs.

I hissed back, showing what I was damn-well capable of.

He smirked and removed his hands.

"You're too weak to fight back." Blake started pacing back and forth in front of me.

"I'm never weak."

"Oh but you are, you see I did some studying and found out that when you are too weak you can't find a power to have, your strength decreases traumatically and your body starts producing blood to keep yourself going. in a way you could say that every time you feel weak, you become human again."

I started to panic. I'm too weak to fight back. I can't defend myself. I can't do anything.

Blake walked over to me and put his hands on both sides of my head. he leaned in closer to my face. I looked away. he forced my head back with his hand and kissed my cheek softly.

My stomach turned and I could feel the blood coursing through my veins. it felt strange being alive again.

He buried his head in my neck and grazed his fangs across the sensitive skin.

I winched and he smirked.

His fangs dug deep into my skin, making me scream out in pain.

I kicked my legs frantically looking for a way out. when I heard another 'snap' in my leg, I screamed again.

He was still sucking the last remaining strength out of me when I realised that only half of the chains were gold and half were silver.

I pulled on the chain until it snapped and my right arm was loose. I immediately punched Blake in the face when he peered his head up to see what was going on.

He fell back and hit the door. I broke my left leg free.

He got up and charged towards me. his fist was about to make contact with my face when I ducked, making his his the concrete wall. The wall cracked Blake was covering his hand and groaning in pain.

I got my left arm free and began breaking away at the chain on my damaged leg. I yelped out in pain when I got it loose and it hit the floor.

Blake was standing over me furious. he grabbed my short hair in his hands and dragged me out of the room.

He threw me against the wall in the hallway.

He stood back and watched me whimpering pain with a smirk on his face.

His features hardened when I slowly stood to my feet, with a limp, and peered into his eyes. I could feel the colours flashing in my eyes as he stepped closer.

Before he could get too close, I punched him in the face, when he knelt over in pain I kneed him in the face.

Black blood dripped from his nose and a gash on his chin.

I bolted for the door and, amazingly, swung it open.

I was too weak to bolt like a normal vampire, but I wasn't too weak to sprint like an Olympic athlete.

I ran past trees, bushes, and a few wild animals.

I found a stream and ran along it, knowing it lead back to the meeting place. I knew my way back home from there.

My leg was obviously broken, it hurt like hell, but I knew that if I stopped now I practically have up on returning home. I limped as fast as I could.

I heard him bolting towards me and I panicked. I ran faster and faster until my now beating heart gave out.

I felt my heart stop and my vision fading. Blake grabbed me before I could fall.

"You passed the second test." Blake whispered while bolting back.

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