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"What do you mean you didn't expect me to save her?"

"I didn't know that you'd be that brave and take charge. From what I heard from the boys in the last 2 years you've been a follower." Alex said holding his head down at the last part. he knew I'd blow up, but my fuse wasn't even lit.

"I know I've been a pushover for quite some time, but when it comes to the people I trust and care about, I'd do anything to save them."

"Do you trust and care about me?" Alex asked lifting his head up.

"I need to know you first." I say smiling.

"Well we can start now, after all, the boys seem to be taking their sweet time." Alex said smiling.

We sat on the living room floor face to face. I lent him some sweatpants that I found in Harry's drawer. he won't mind. Alex took off his dress shirt to reveal a white tank top. looks like he spent his life doing push-ups.

"Were you born a vampire?" I asked

"No I was turned when I was 19." Alex answered.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"26." Alex answered.

"Jesus you're old." I laughed when Alex gave me a sad look and held his head down.

I lifted his head up my his chin and looked into his eyes.

"It was only a joke, don't take it so heavily."

"It's not that." Alex said shaking off my hand.

"What is it then?"

"I'm going to stay this age forever. I want to grow old and eventually die with the ones I love. you know, a wife and kids, maybe grand kids. I've never wanted that before I was turned. I wanted to live fast an die young. now all I want to do is grow up." Alex said. his voice started cracking, I knew he was sincere.

"You have me to fall back on. don't worry."

I don't know exactly why I said that. I've always been that person that actually wanted to help. I've always had this desire to make others happy. I care about every single person. even if I don't know them.

"I remember there was this girl in 6th grade. her name was Faith. I didn't talk to her much until I found her in the bathroom at school. I asked her why she was crying."

I paused getting choked up.

"She told me her mother had just died."

I let the tears fall as I continued.

"She told me that her mother was the only person she could rely on. she told me without her mother, she had no reason to live."

I didn't want to share that memory, but I felt like I had to.

"What did you do?" Alex asked getting as choked up as I did before.

"I never left her alone. Anytime she wanted to share anything, I was there. Every cut on her wrist was a stab into my heart. Even though I didn't know her well, I felt like she needed me. And one day, I found out that she did."

The tears began to fall again.

"I went over to her house because I hadn't talked to her that weekend."

Alex out his hands on my face and wiped off the tears with his thumbs. they weren't as cold as I thought they'd be.

"I found her in the bathroom, just laying there. Blood was everywhere."

Alex moved his hands to my shoulders.

"Every slash the paramedics found, there was an even bigger one on my heart. The emotional and physical scars totalled up, and she couldn't take it. I lost someone I could've helped."

Alex got up and sat behind me. He stretched his legs out and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Can I ask how her mother died?" Alex asked tightening his grip, but not too much so it didn't hurt.

I let out a sigh and waited for a couple seconds.

"Faith told me that she was raped and beaten until she finally died of severe internal bleeding."

"I'm so sorry baby." Alex whispered kissing the back of my neck and running his fingers through my shirt dark hair.

"Don't apologise, Faith is with her now. They can both rest."

They're both resting...



The Street Light {vampire fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now