Chapter 3

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Branden POV

I spun slowly in my office chair. My face towards the ceiling. So many things ran through my mind. Mainly about Samantha.

This beautiful young woman basically had nobody to depend on her whole life! Running a popular business by her self. Growing up on her own. She did everything on her own. Samantha was amazing.

She always had a smile on her face. She shows hospitality to everyone and anyone. She's always polite and fun. She's the happiest when she bakes. She likes to play/joke around. And she just..

"Ugh." I sighed running my hands down my face. My chair coming to a stop.

*Earlier Today*

"Sam! The scones are done!" I yelled to her outside. She ran in and out. Once she was back I was pouring flour on the counter to roll out the croissant pastry dough. 

She ran by me. Grabbed a pinch of flour and flicked it onto my face. I squinted my face.

All she did was giggle and run away laughing aloud.

"Samantha!" I said to her running after her. 


I opened my eyes. And I thought of Samantha.

Her wavy blonde hair. Her beautiful eyes. Bright complexion. Light personality. Her perfect smile, I love seeing.

I sighed content.

"I got to go to bed now." I thought getting up and going to my bedroom.

*Next Morning*

I got up at 7:30am. I got dressed in a suit and quickly got coffee and a muffin, courtesy of Samantha. I was off to work. 

I work as a bank manager at J.P. Morgan Chase and Co. I got to my office. I sat down in my chair and got to work.


Sir, Mr. James Wellington is here to see you.

"Send him in Bea." I said to my secretary. I signed about 2 more papers before James came barging through the door.

He had his arms wide.

"Branden! My old friend! Long time no see brother!" He said loudly. James is my old friend from England. He owns many chain businesses there. We do lots of business together over the phone. Last time we've actually seen each other was April of last year.

I got up out of my chair. And we bro-hugged. 

"Nice to see you James." I said putting my hands in my pockets. 

"What brings you to New York?" I asked him honestly interested. He rarely came to the U.S at all. However, I visited England quite a lot.

"Well my friend. I'm here to invite you to a great party I'm hosting in London. It's this Friday, so the day after tomorrow. It's for meer fun but there are going to be very important people attending. But my dear chum you must bring a plus one. Okay? That's all I ask of you. To bring a lady friend." James said pointing at me.

I thought for a bit.

"Okay. I'll bring a girl." I said assuringly.

"Not just any girl. She has to be someone special. Not just some girl you hired okay Branden?" He said looking at me with a raised brow.

"I got it James."

"Okay then. I'm sorry to leave SOOO soon but you know I'm a wanted guy." He said as-a-matter-of-factly. As he dramatically slowly walked out of my office, waving his hands around the "SOOO".

I laughed at his egotistical persona. Then shut the door.

I sat back down on my desk. I tried to get back to work but I had to get a date. Samantha automatically popped into my head. I could ask her right? But what if she says no?

Screw it.

I dialed her number and waited for her to answer.

"Hello?" Her sweet voice filled my ears.

"Uhm. *cough cough* Uhmm Samantha I wanted to ask you something." I said

"What is it?" She asked. I could hear her smile through the phone. 

I breathed in and out.

"Would you go to a very big party in London with me? As my date." I asked her.

"Really!! Yes! Of course I will!" She said excitedly.

"Okay. Thank you. I'll see you later." I said smiling wide.

"Okay. Bye Branden."


I continued to stare at my phone. Wow. 

"WOOHOO!" I yelled relieved. I spun in my chair and my hands in the air. (That rhymes)

This chapter is kind of like a filler. I didn't want to add the party onto it because It'd be too long. Anyways, CHAPTER 3 DONE!! Hope you Enjoyed it!

-Kaleah ❤️

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