Chapter 7

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Samantha POV

I was in Branden's apartment. I've never seen it so this place was foreign land. It was very...white.

The walls were all white and the furniture were a navy blue. It was normal. I don't know what I expected. Maybe a dark bachelor pad or brewing man cave.  

I turned around looking at him.

"Why do you love me? You couldn't. We haven't done anything to make you fall in love with me." I said to him truthfully. Him telling me he loved me didn't quite settle with me. It didn't seem right, yet.

"Hell if I know the answer to that." He smiled at me. I grabbed his hand.

"Branden I don't want you to say you love me. Okay? It's too early for that. Can we just date and see where this goes? Promise me you won't say it till you're absolutely sure you want to spend the rest of your life with me." I said to him seriously. 

He seems hurt at first but his lips curled up at the mention of dating.

He nodded and pulled me into a hug.

"I promise. And yes, we can." He told me. I pulled away and pecked his cheek.

"Dinner?" I asked.

"Let me?" He said. I searched his eyes  before nodding. He pulled me into the kitchen and sat me down. I had a full view of him cooking. He took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. I liked that look on guys.

He quickly went to work. He grabbed bow-tie pasta, asparagus, lemons, and a bunch of seasoning bottles. 

"What are you going to make me? I asked propping my elbows up on the counter and holding my head in my hands.

"You'll find out."


He handed me a plate. I looked at it amazed then looked at Branden.

"Lemon Asparagus Pasta." I nodded feeling and looking pleased at the yummy looking food.

"Vegan too." I looked at him and raised a brow. He laughed at me. 

"Impressive" I said. He gave me a fork. I twirled the pasta onto my fork and tasted it. 

I looked at him with wide eyes, making satisfied noises. He poured us both a glass of wine and took a seat next to me. I placed my fork down.

"When was the last time you did something romantic like this?" I asked putting my chin on my folded hands as I looked at him.

"Last night." He answered. I looked at him skeptically.

"Really? What did you do?" I asked him.

"Took a romantic walk." I widened my eyes.

"To where?" 

"The fridge." I burst out laughing. He laughed at my reaction. His eyes wrinkling by the sides.

"Okay. Now tell me about yourself. I've already told you about me. It's your turn."

"Not that interesting. My parents are divorce. Father in Australia. My mother is in Singapore at the moment. She's traveling the world. My father is with his wife. 

Just like you, I am also an only child. And my other family is so stuck up standing on money, I distance myself. They're good people but can be snobs." 

"I see. My family is much alike. They're so obsessed with, what they think is perfection, they'll bring me down to achieve it. They wanted me to be a lawyer, doctor, or a vet. 

Vet I considered because of Cookie, but baking was my calling." I said satisfied with my answer.

"Well, I like bossing people around. Managing was my calling." He laughed. I laughed a bit.

"But seriously. I just really like numbers. I got an immediate job after high school. I took a year of training and started. I worked my way up to managing in 1 year of working there. Now I've been managing for a little over a year." He said.

"Wow. That's amazing." I said truly amazed. He must've worked hard for that job.

"I just had a passion and took it one step further. More like 10 steps further. But I'm glad I'm now successful." I said to him sipping my wine after.

"Let me clean up." I said getting up and taking our plates. I washed the dishes and then started washing my hands. I felt Branden's presence behind me. I turned the water off and dried my hands on my blue jeans.

I turned around and smiled wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He gladly accepted my hug.

"Thank you for the dinner date. I had fun." I said to him before hugging tighter. We soon pulled apart. 

He grabbed my hand and walked me downstairs to the front door and up to my apartment door.

"Next time, I'll do lunch. Okay?" I said poking his hard chest. He stepped back a little chuckling. I just grinned wide.

"Okay?" I said once more.

"Okay." He answered. I opened my door and walked in, closing it behind me.

I got ready for bed feeling all bubbly inside. I even sang in the shower.

I fell asleep. First date with Branden? Done.

They had there FIRST DATE!!! WOOHOO!! Anyways, Hope you Enjoyed Chapter 6 of Neighbors!!!

-Kaleah 🐷🐷

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