Chapter 8

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Samantha POV

I woke up early this Sunday morning. It was 8AM. I felt good, like today was going to be a good day.

I got up and went to the bathroom. Did my business and brushed my teeth. Then went to my vanity. I did my makeup more sultry today than subtle on others. I popped some red lipstick on and went to my closet. 

It was Sunday so the bakery was closed. 

I chose a Micheal Kors off the shoulder top in black. And paired that with mid rise plain boyfriend jeans, rolled up on the bottom. For my shoes, I chose a pair of black thick heels with an ankle strap. The chunky heel was more comfortable.

After getting ready for the day, I went down to the bakery to eat breakfast. I ate a panini with cheese, spinach, tomato, turkey, an egg, and honey mustard. It was my greatest creation. (srsly try it it's amazing) After eating that I drank a French Vanilla latte.

I wondered if Branden had work today..

I pulled out my phone and searched for the bank hours.

"Closed Sunday. Open online." I smirked. I had an idea...

I finished my coffee and washed the dishes as fast as I could. Then I grabbed my purse and went out. I stood in front of Branden's door thinking "How could I get in?"

I looked in his mailbox on the wall and BINGO! The spare key to his apartment. I applauded myself and laughed as I opened his door. The 1st floor of his apartment was just a bathroom and living room, as well as the stairs. Everything else was upstairs.

I put my purse down and slowly walked up the stairs. Thank god my shoes had rubber on the bottom. It muffled the heels on the wood floor.

I looked around. No sign of him. Then I heard snoring. I smiled. 

I creeped all the way to his room. I opened the door. 

"eeeeeeerrr" The door squeaked. I stopped and looked at Branden. His eyebrow twitched a little. I opened it a little more and squeezed through.

"Whoooh" I breathed quietly. My heart was pounding. He looked so cute asleep. He laid on his front. His sheets were along half of his back. His back/shoulder muscles looked good too. 

I creeped over to him silently. Not a peep to be hear. Then I kneeled before his face. He was very handsome. 

I got my phone from my butt pocket and opened the clock app. I set the ringer all the way. Timer: 5 seconds. The ringer tone was screaming from the horror movie Mama. Just searching that up was scary as heck. 

I turned it on and held it to Branden's ear. I was holding my mouth from laughing hard.







A blood curdling ring rang through the air. It only lasted 5 seconds. 

Branden jumped up quickly. He only lifted his top torso. Not that fun anymore. He looked around wide-eyed then landed on me. I smiled sheepishly.

He grabbed me and flipped me under him on the bed. He came close to my face.

I sucked in my breathe. 

He lowered his hands to the sides of my stomach. Then he started tickling me like mad!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!" I started screaming. Tears were falling down my face. I tried prying his hands off me but it didn't work. One hand on my side and one on my neck.

"HAHAHAAA!! PLEASE STOP! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I was out of breathe. I started kicking and he let go of me. I was breathing hard. Looking up at him.

"Breakfast?" I asked. A happy look on my face. He smiled so big, the cute wrinkles and dimple on his face showed. He placed a big short kiss on my lips. 

We got up from his room and went to his kitchen. With my heels I was almost Branden's height but not quite there yet. 

This time he sat down and I got the ingredients out. I got out a pan, butter, bread, provolone cheese, ham, spinach, tomatoes, 1 egg ,and bacon. Men like bacon.

He eyed me carefully. I first formed the sandwich together. I put some butter on the searing pan. I used a spatula to spread it. Then I placed the sandwich on the pan. 

"ssssssssssssss...." It sizzled. He half smiled at the sound. I placed more butter and flipped it on the other side. After it was done I spread the honey mustard inside and cut it in half. I placed the plate in front of him and a glass of orange juice.

He took a bite and immediately smiled at me. He gave me a thumbs up and I nodded in satisfaction. 

"Did you eat?" He asked me.

"Yeah, before I came here." I answered. I held up one finger, and walked down stairs and grabbed my large purse. I ran back up the stairs and plopped back into my seat.

I brought out 2 large rectangular danishes in a long thin, mint green, box. I baked it in a braided style.

"I cooked them SUPER slowly through the night. I always thought it tasted better that way. I took them out this morning. They were PERFECT!" I said as I bit into it. It had raspberry and cream cheese filling with icing on top. It melted in my mouth. Flaky on the outside and soft on the inside. The best pastry I've ever baked.

"The lord blessed me with great abilities." I said as I took another bite.

"I believe you" Branden said tasting it. I smiled happily as I finished the rest of it. 

We both finished eating and sat down in the living room. Branden held me to his side. I leaned on his chest, our legs out in front of us, on the ottoman. I must say, my feet look amazing in these heels.

"Should we buy a movie?" He asked. I nodded and snuggled closer, wrapping my arm around his torso.

He scrolled and scrolled through the selections. 

"Captain America: Civil War!!" I gasped excitedly. He looked at me weird.

"MAJOR eye candy in this movie. MAJOR." I said poking his chest.

"You want to date Chris Evans?" He says holding his heart in his hand with a fake hurt face. I look up to meet his eyes.

"That spot is taken." I said smiling. He grinned and squeezed me tight as he kissed my head.

"Now play the movie." I said eagerly, pointing to the TV.

"You'd rather watch a movie full of hot guys than cuddle with me?" He asked.

"No. I'd rather do both at the same time." I said smiling.

"Fine." He said raising his hands in surrender. He finally started the movie.

During the movie, I don't know when, we fell asleep. We were laying on the couch. He held me to his body. My head snuggled up under his chin. Best Nap Ever.

Liked the fun Sunday Samantha and Branden had?? Hoped you liked it. MORE CHAPTERS TO COME!!!

-Kaleah 🐻🐰🐱🐶

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