Chapter 24

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*Samantha POV*

"C'mon Sam, you actually thought I loved you? You thought I cared about you? You were a good fuck and thats it. Thats all you ever were to me! That's ALL YOU EVER WILL BE!"

Spencer continued to screech his words into my face. I crawled back towards a wall, tears streaming down my face. Shaking in fear and hurt.


"s-s-stop! stop!" I cried. He came close to my face, watching me cry. 

He laughed.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" I screamed. My breathing was unstable as I checked surroundings. I hugged my knees to my chest and cried. 

Whats worse is that it started raining. The rain tapping my window and the showers heard on the street filled my ears. It made me feel even worse. I was scared. 

My phone lit up. 

Unknown Caller ID

I hesitantly answered it. 


"Samantha? It's me Brandon." My heart stopped, my breathing stopped, everything just froze.

"B-Br-randon?" I quivered. My heart ached, the one person I needed the most actually responded.

"Sam are you alright?? Have you been crying?"He asked. His voice caused a calming wave to flow over my body.

"I had a bad dream thats all. Why'd you call?" I sniffled.

"Well, thats the thing. I'm on a plane back to New York. I'll be here for a while. Business." He spoke. I could hear  the sleep in his voice. What time is it?

"It's half past 5 here, probably 3 where you are." I closed my eyes as a tear ran down my cheek.

"Samantha I want to fix our relationship."

"How do you expect to do that? Do you think after all this time I would just forgive you and walk into your arms?"

"Samantha. Im still in love you."

"I love you with all the fibers of my being. My heart has only grown fonder of you. I miss you very much. I'd do anything and everything to make you happy Samantha. I swear. No more mistakes, break ups, or fights. I cannot begin to explain the guilt I feel, the pain I gave you. All those tears. Samantha I want to bring you happiness. Just you and me. I want you back. I don't want to ever leave you again if it's the last thing I do. Samantha. My love. I love you so so so much. I love your beautiful blue-green eyes, the way your lips look when you smile, your wonderful scent of flowers and vanilla, just being around you is heaven on earth. What can-"

"What time is your flight landing?" I asked. 

"In an hour. I'll go to you." And with that Brandon hung up. I clenched my phone to my chest. Happiness ran through my body. 

If Brandon is coming back then this will be it. We'll make this work. We won't break up again, we'd just find a way back to each other.

I rocked in my bed, back and forth. Waiting for the hour to pass. Constantly glancing at my clock like it was the most interesting thing ever. I stood up from my bed and ran around my bed frustrated. I tied my hair in a low bun, my bangs falling into my face. This time I sat down on my bed and closed my eyes.

Brandon? Brandon. Brandon? Brandon. Bran-

Knock Knock

My eyes shot open. I was suddenly scared to open the door, or even move. I haven't seen him in months. Would he look different? Did his personality change? Has he dated anybody?

I came face to face with my favorite human being on this planet earth. My other half.

He picked me up and hugged me as tight as humanly possible. Closing the door with his foot he spun me around in his arms. I grabbed a hold of his face in my palms.


"Yes" He breathed. He was actually here. In front of me. Next to me. Holding me. He had wiped a tear I didn't know had fell off my cheek. My eyes bored into his. 

"I love you" I whispered with tear filled eyes. He kissed me. 

With one kiss Brandon can make me feel so many things. Just a glance and I know I'm his. I never really realized how much more complete I am with him. No matter what obstacles we have to go through I need him. I love him.

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