Chapter 23

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*Brandon POV*

Today is a new day. 

I've really got the hang of working at the new bank. England is a nice place. Nice weather and good people. 

James and I hang out everyday now that I moved here. He tries to hook me up with girls but I purposely show my disinterest in any of them. 

*a few days ago*

"C'mon Brandon loosen up a little. There are many nice looking women in this building. See that girl right there? She's got M&K Jewelry and she's beautif-"

I walked away from James's ludicrous. 

"Brandon, my friend. Do you need a drink? Because those ladies over there sure-"

"I'm not interested James." I said calmly walking to the bar. I ordered whiskey. 

"Are you here alone?" A girl came up to me. She looked me up and down. I rolled my eyes inside my head. But I turned to her with a nice smile and said

"No my boyfriend is over there. Why do you ask?" I said pointing at James while looking innocent. She smiled awkwardly and said

"Oh I was wondering where the restroom was.." I pointed to the sign across the room. She nodded and went on her way.

"Sooo. Who's the lucky lady? She looked hot." James came around and slung his arm around my arm.

"Told her I was gay." I said. He looked at me while motioning for me to continue.

"And that you were my boyfriend." I said before exiting the building to my car.

"YOU WHAT!" I heard James behind me.

*Present time*

"Mr. Matthews a Mrs. Caroline Vester is here to see you." My mood was instantly lifted.

"Thank you Ruby." I told my secretary. I walked into my office and was greeted with Caroline's warm smile and a hug.

"Caroline! How are you?" I said kissing both of her cheeks. I sat down at my desk with her sitting down in front of me.

"I'm doing great Brandon. How about you?"

"The best I can be." I said. There was a minute of silence while I thought about things.

"I know you want to know about Samantha." Caroline said suddenly. I looked up at her, my eyes showing it all.

"She was dating a guy not to long ago. Spencer. A nice young man." She said with a small smile. 

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Well he was nice until he cheated. He wasn't who she thought he was. She was very hurt. But she has a couple of new girl friends. Bree, Allison, and Nadia. She loves to hang out with those girls!"

I looked at her shocked.

"Yes, Brandon. Bree. The girl you broke up with for Samantha."

" Anyways, once I invited them to my house for dinner. Very lovely girls. And guess what! Allison was the girl Spencer cheated with! She broke it off because she didn't know Samantha was dating him!!" Caroline said laughing. She looked very happy.

I worked a smile and a small laugh.

"Brandon honey. I know you still love her. Why don't you visit her. Work your problems out. It's been a few months now. I'm sure you guys can still work it out." Caroline said.

I thought about it. But would Samantha really want to see me again. 

"I know she wants to see you too." I turned to Caroline in surprise. She heard me? 

"I can see it in your eyes Brandon. Anyways, one night I went to Samantha's because I couldn't sleep and just wanted to talk. It was very late but I just wanted to know how she was doing."

"As I walked up to her bakery I saw a car leave. I suspected it was Spencer. But Brandon you should've heard her." Caroline said now looking very sad.

"It simply broke my heart. I could hear her crying from outside her door. She sounded so sad. But you know who's name she called for?" She said looking at me.

"Who's?" I asked confused.

"Yours." She said now smiling with glee.

"She called and called. Samantha may not show it but deep down she loves you just as much as you do, her." 

"You guys really need each other. Maybe not now but sooner or later you guys will be together again."

I nodded at her words. 

Caroline stood up.

"Brandon you've got to visit soon. Okay?" She said sympathetically. I nodded and stood up. She wrapped me in a hug. 

"Promise?" She asked pulling away.

"Promise." I smiled. She nodded and left.

I sat down with a huge sigh. My heart now yearning. My office phone beeped. I pressed the button and spoke.

"Yes Ruby."

"Sir, Mr. Roger's is going on vacation in 2 weeks. He's giving the whole company a break but we have to finish all of that week's work within those 2 weeks." 

"Okay. Then call Mr. and Mrs. Wang for brunch. Then call Mr. Stone and Mr. Walt for dinner."

"All of them can make it. I reserved Jody's for lunch and Ricotta for dinner. Is that alright sir?" 

"Perfect. Thank you Ruby."

Maybe Samantha and I will be together. Sooner than I thought.

*Samantha POV*

"How was the bakery Bree?" I asked handing her coffee.

"A piece of cake" She winked. I laughed at her.

"Allison you got any work?" I asked her while sitting down.

"Yes! I got a job at M&K Jewelry as the CEO's secretary!! She's SO gorgeous but very snobby and demanding. But I make good money thanks to Nadia." She said hugging her. Nadia pushed her away laughing.

"Your welcome. But girls I cant stay long. I gotta pick up Alice from school. I'll text you guys okay?" She said standing up.

"Bye Nadia!!" We yelled as she left with a wave.

"Okay ladies. "Mom" is busy so what should we do in the mean time?" Allison asked us.

"Let's go to mine and make food! I'm hungry" Bree suggested. Allison nodded excitedly.

"Okay well we're going to the store! Let's go, I got my car." I said smiling. We all hopped into my car and I drove to Ralph's.

Bree and Allison threw anything and everything into the cart. Our total was $115!!! 

"I paid so you guys put the stuff away and get out what we're going to cook." I said plopping onto the couch.

"Bree! Do you have netflix on your TV?" I yelled to her. 

"Yea! Just use the black remote."

"Okay." I said grabbing it off the floor. 

"Want to watch Clueless?" I asked the girls rummaging in the kitchen.

"YES!!" They said. I laughed and turned it on.

"Samantha get your ass up and help us cook!" Bree yelled. I laughed and pulled myself up.

"Okay. What're we cooking?" I asked them smiling.

Another chapter of Neighbors is done. A little insight to Brandon's life and at the same time more of Samantha's!

I'm really enjoying how the book is going these days! I hope you readers are too!!

see ya - kaleah

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