Chapter 17

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*Bae^^^ 🙌🏽🙌🏽*

Samantha POV

"Hello?" Caroline spoke through the phone.

"Caroline?" I spoke. My voice cracked a bit.

"Samantha? What's wrong dear? Are you alright?" She asked concerned. I laughed sadly.

"No. I'm not fine" I sniffled and took a breathe.

"Brandon told me that he has to move to England for -sniffle- for work. And -sniffle- -exhale- if he doesn't go his job in in jeopardy and. I don't know what to do!" 

I held my forehead in my hand. My head was about to burst.

"Samantha. Think for a moment"

"Do you love him?"

"Yes" I answered

"How much?"


"Enough to give up everything here and go to England to be with him?, or Enough to let him flourish on his own?"



"Enough to let him go"

*Next Day*

"Brandon!" I said jogging up to him. He was on his way to work. It took me 4 days to finally talk to him.

"What Samantha" He sounded really hurt. That hurt me.

"I...umm.." Then he began to walk away. I grabbed his arm. What I was about to say could change everything.

"What is it!" He was getting restless. He yanked his arm out of mine and started to walk away again.

"I'm not going with you" I said at last. He stopped walking. I tried touching his shoulder, he flinched away from me

"I'm sorry" I sobbed. He then started walking away. He hailed a taxi.

"Brandon, please! I still love you!" He hesitated going into the taxi for a moment or two. But those moments didn't last long.

He was gone.

Without another word. There was no look-back, no smiles exchanged. 

I walked back into the bakery. I closed it for the week.

I made myself some tea and went to my room. Laying on my bed frame with my tea and Honey with me.

Brrriing Brrriing

Your call cannot be completed as dialed. (212) 482-9737 is not available. At the tone, please record your message. Once you have finished recording your message hang up, or press 1 for more options. **(Yes I have remembered this whole speech, is that weird?)**


"Brandon? I love you. A lot. So much that it hurts to think that..I have made you feel So much worse. I'm sorry for everything. Just know that I love-"

End of Message.

I hung up. 

I banged my head a couple of times too. Now that Brandon's gone. Forever. I need to get back up again.

*1 month later*

I served every single customer today with a smile on my face. It may or may not have been real, but what can I do about it? I'm still dragging my feelings about Brandon on the floor.

It's going to take some time to get over Brandon. And I know It's going to take an even longer time to possibly ever see him again.

*Bell Chimes*

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