Chapter 25

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*Samantha POV*

I woke up to an empty bed.

"Brandon? Br-" I stopped. Nadia, Bree,and Allison stood at the foot of my bed. Their faces were... somewhat frightening.

"Samantha Brayden Argon! Why didn't you tell us about Brandon coming back!!" Bree asked me, quite mad.

"Yea! We came to surprise you with breakfast and we see Brandon walk out of your bathroom!" Nadia said in disbelief.

"We know you've been down because of the Spencer thing, but if I had a Brandon he's trash compared to him!!" Allison exclaimed.

"Sorry guys. He called me late last night and we talked. About everything. Guys, I think I'm done being heartbroken. He told me he loved me. I've learned to love myself because of you girls and it's nice to know that someone loves me just as much." I said looking into their eyes. 

Nadia's face was priceless. 

"AAAAAAWWW! YOU GUYS NADIA MIGHT CRY!!" Allison said rubbing Nadia's shoulders.

"Sorry! It's my period.." Nadia said sniffling. We all laughed.

"I approve of him Samantha. I've heard your stories but never Prince Charming himself." Allison said sitting on the bed. 

"He's Prince Charming alright. Here to rescue his love from the evil villain. Spencer." Bree said.

"Impeccable timing." Nadia awed. 

"Where is Brandon by the way?" I asked. 

"I sent him to get us coffee and croissants from Starbucks." Bree said pointing to the door.

"I could've made that myself" I laughed. Bree shrugged. Allison gasped and suddenly grabbed me by the arms.

"No makeup sex??" Her eyes were nearly popping out of her head. Nadia and Bree simply moved closer. I laughed and shook my head. Just then we heard the door unlocking.

"Well girl you'll be getting some VERY soon." Nadia laughed while standing up.

"Girls I've got some errands to run today. I'll take my food and go okay?" Nadia said opening my door.

"Okay. Bye Nadia! But no escaping tomorrow!!" Allison yelled as Nadia walked out the door. We caught a glimpse of Brandon setting our food on the counter. He made eye contact with me and never stopped. 

"Well. Allison I think it's time we leave. Leave the two lovers alone." Bree said pulling Allison up. 

"Aww. Okay. Bye Sam!" Allison said pouting. She didn't want to leave. Bree had to push her out the door.

"Bye Ally. See you later Bree!" I called.

"C'mon we'll get manicures." Bree said finally. 

"Really?!!" Allison said finally heading out the door. I heard the front door shut and let out a breathe. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I heard my door shut.

I looked up. 

Brandon's eyes stared back into mine. He brought his lips down on mine. 

"I love you" He mumbled as we pulled apart. 

"I love you too." I kissed his lips once more. But this time he didn't want to stop.

"Brandon!" I chuckled parting from him. He just smiled. 

"Are you hungry?" He asked massaging my hands in his. I shook my head.

"I'm still pretty tired. It's 8 in the morning." I yawned. He nodded. 

Brandon lifted me up and under the covers. He took off his shirt and laid down next to me. I moved closer and hugged him closer. He happily returned the favor. 

He brought the blankets up higher, up to my face. I closed my eyes and breathed calmly. I felt a big kiss come down onto my head and Brandon rubbing my back. Lulling me to sleep.

Honestly the best sleep I've gotten this year.

Dear readers this is a filler to the epilogue. My publishing has been out of wack but so has my life. So please try to understand my situation. I know some of you are having a hard time but everything works out in the end. I promise.

- kaleah 

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