Chapter 1: It All Started

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Camila Beckett. She's Kate's older sister, 28, and has been a lawyer ever since her mother was murdered. She's married to Richard Castle.

Kate Beckett. She Camila's younger sister, 25, and has been a cop ever since her mother was murdered. She is in no relationship.

Richard Castle. Has had an older brother. Ricks 29, and has been writing an acting since he was a child. He's married to Camila Beckett.

Kate woke up to her alarm at around 5:45. She had the early shift and needed to be to work and 6:30. She rolled out of bed and stood up stretching her back. At least it's Friday, she thought. She needed coffee, but she could never make the best, so she just stuck with the mediocre ones. She padded through the hallway and into the kitchen. After starting the coffee pot she rested her elbows on the marble island counter contemplating what she was going to wear.

Soon the coffee was finishing and after she achieved a glass she poured the steaming liquid in, and walked back into her bedroom, getting dressed, and putting on makeup. She was soon ready and headed out for the 12th precinct. As the drive to work was ending she saw something out of the ordinary. She pulled over to the side of the rode and got out. She walked a few feet and saw a man, dragging something, then struggled picking it up, and threw it in the trash can. Then the man just stood there. Kate slowly drew her gun and moved into the mans sight.

"Don't move!" She called to him, "show me your hands." The man slowly looked towards Kate and then made a dash in the other direction. Why did criminals always do this? Run? Of course she sped after him picking up speed, but losing some every time he knocked something over after he passed it. The cold wind didn't help much when Kate was breathing heavily and the icy air pierced her lungs. It gave her relief to have air, but also pain with the below freezing weather. They turned into and alleyway. Kate slowed down walking carefully and quietly redrawing her gun, figuring the man has hidden. As she peered behind a trash can, she felt a powerful force to her back and fell to the floor in pain. She turned around and stood up as quickly as she could, the man had hit her with a wooden bat. She drew her gun once more and before she could speak it was hit out of her hands and fell to the ground. The hand dropped the bat and lunges towards Kate wrapping his arms around her neck. She fought back. Kneeling him in the stomach then elbowing him in the back. He fell to the ground and tripped her and when they both stood again he hit the side of her face, and pushed her back into garbage bins. And while Kate was standing he sprinted off again. She'd have to get a sketch artist. But more importantly she has to go back and see what is in the trash can.

Eventually she made it to the bin, and opened it up, there was a body inside. A woman, about mid-30's and blunt force trauma to the head was probably what killed her. She called it in and soon everyone had arrived. Ryan and Espo, CSU, and Lanie. They took Kate's statement while Lanie was examining be body. Although she told Kate to go back to the precinct, that she might need stitches for her forehead. It was cut deep and she was bleeding immensely.

So Kate left heading back for the precinct, and met Lanie's fellow friend and worker, and she
stitched Kate's head and cleaned off her cheek and chin and told her to put a heating pad on her back when she got home. Kate nodded and heard the elevator ding. She was hoping it was the sketch artist while she still had his picture in her head. But no, it was her sister. Why was her sister here? She looked around and saw Kate sitting on the table in the break room. She as wearing black slacks and light pink button up blouse with a black blazer and her hair in a ponytail.

When she reached the break room her facial expression changed from joy to sorrow for her sister.

"What happened Kate?" Camila asked, walking in and setting down her briefcase.

"Oh you know, just your average criminal." Kate replied swinging we feet back and forth.

"I hope it heals quickly."

"Thanks, so, how's the hubby?"

"Good! Great actually. And that's what I need to talk to you about." she said sitting down on the couch.


"Rick and I are having a dinner party with his family and mine, and friends, it's going to be fun."

"So you mean you actually want me to meet him? Because even at your wedding the only thing you let us say to him was congratulations." She chuckled.

"Well that's because our relationship was still being confirmed, but now even he wants to meet my family."

"Family? So you mean me?"

"And dad..."

"Yeah, sure."


"Ok when is it?"


"Tonight! Cammie I have so much work to do today and even if I finish early I won't get to leave until 7:00 at the earliest, so I'm sorry, but I can't go."

"Yes you can little sis."

"Really? What did I just tell you?"

"I already talked to your captain and she was fine with it. She loves me."

"Oh my god, your insane."

"Ok, let's go, I got you the day off!" She squealed.

"Great, but I don't have anything to wear."

"I'll fix that problem!"

Camila took Kate shopping at one of the fanciest places in New York. Camila got a black dress that ended just above her knees. It was simple but elegant. Kate's dress was also black and ended at her thighs. It was strapless.

"It's so sexy on you, Kate, buy it! And Rick called and said its not just family but it's going to be his friends and our friends as well so it's like a gathering where both sides get to meet each other. So let's go we've spent all day here. You can get ready at our loft." Camila said paying for both the dresses despite Kate trying to convince her other wise.

They reached the loft and it was amazing. Mahogany floors with pure white walls. Marble counters and leather furniture. And there was a chandelier of fabulous diamonds hanging from the ceiling. Kate stared in awe at the house around her.

"What the hell, Camila! This house is beautiful!" Kate said, spinning in a full circle.

"Right!" Camilla replied.

"What I wouldn't give to live in a house like this."

"You'll find your own Castle, here's your bag the party starts at 5:00, and you can use my curling iron and makeup and I'll use the bathroom in the bedroom."

"Ok." Kate took the bag and checked her phone, it was 3:30. She went into the bathroom. It was amazing. There were lights all the way around the mirror, and it really stood out. She put on her dress and black stilettos, and began curling her hair. The curls fell perfectly around her face. She applied little makeup but it stood out. Her eyeliner was flawless. She was done by 4:30. She walked out and saw her sister all ready. She looked beautiful as well. They looked at each other and smiled. They hugged and the door opened and in came Richard Castle, the most handsome man Katherine Beckett had ever seen.


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