Chapter 3: Feuds

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As Rick was laughing with his wife and a few of Camila's aunts, he turned and saw Kate come back inside. He excused himself and walked over to where he saw Kate walked. Although he couldn't find her. He saw that one of his bathroom doors were closed and proceeded to.

He thought about what could've happened. Could it be possible that his older brother was a complete gentleman? He didn't think so. If she got hurt he wanted to know. Logan was always notorious for that. He would lash out, if he didn't get his way. He's a snob, selfish and egotistical.

As he reached his hand up to knock, the door opened and Kate rammed into him. She fell to the ground, letting out a tiny scream, while Rick was just startled. He immediately reached out a hand and helped her up.

"Thanks." Kate mumbled. When she was finally balanced back out, Rick's face changed to deep concern.

"Did I do that?" He asked, looking at Kate like a foreign in object.

"Do what?" She replied acting like she didn't remember the meet with Logan.

"Hit you that hard?"

"What are you talking about?" She said looking down at the ground, not wanting to answer the question. She was contemplating how Rick would react. After all she did just meet the man.

"Your cheek, it's red and puffy again. Was that my fault?"

"Oh, no."

There was an awkward pause before either one of them spoke. The tension and suspense could be felt throughout the air.

"Then what happened? Was it Logan?" Rick said with a serious tone and a serious look on his face. Ready to murder his brother if necessary.

"Rick-" Kate tried.

"Tell me."


"Tell me."

"Yes," she paused, looking him in the eyes, "it was Logan."

"I'm going to kill him!" Rick yelled turning away ready to strangle his brother.

"No!" Kate yelled after him.

"Give me one good reason!"

Kate couldn't. Every move and word he said was rational. She thought. She had every right to smack him, and she didn't even do the act that vicious.

"You can't!" Rick then gently moved Kate to the side, despite the anger in his voice. Kate grabbed his shoulder, and sort of jumped on his back.

She had no idea why she was trying to defend Logan. He was an ass, he deserved it. But part of her knew that once this moment ended, nothing would be the same.

As both were trying to get away from one another Camila walked in and found the two of them. 

"Is this a special V.I.P party that I don't know about," She joked, before noticing the look on each one of their faces, "What's wrong?"

"My brother is what's wrong!" Rick yelled at Camila, "I told you that setting him up with Kate was a bad idea, and look how it turned out!"

"Why are you yelling at me!"

"He hurt Kate!"

"I really doubt it!"

"Ask Kate!" He said rubbing his temples.

"Kate! Did he hurt you?" Camila said pushing Rick away and grabbing her sister's hand.

"Yes." Kate whispered.

"How?" Camila asked, instantly lowering her voice.

"He couldn't stop looking at me, in a way he wanted me to sleep with him, right on that balcony; and then he kissed me. I pushed him away and we exchanged nasty names and he hit me."

"See! He's a pig!" Rick added, pacing the room, trying to take even breathes.

"That's what I said," Kate chimed back in, "I had hit him first but only after he grabbed me. He hit me so hard that I slammed my back into the rail. But I'm fine, yeah. I should go." She finished turning and heading out the door. Both Rick and Camila caught sight of her back. It had popped blood vessels forming a diagonal line. Camila felt guilt, but Rick felt anger.

He ran in front of Kate and out into the living where he scanned the crowd, that he was soon going to force to leave. Once he spotted the man he ran into the middle of the group he was talking to. Kate kept yelling from afar for him to stop, but Camila held her back, apologizing time after time.

"I'm so sorry Kate." She semi-cried.

"It's fine," Kate would say, "just tell Rick to stop."

"I'm so sorry."

"I know."

"I'm so sorry."

"I know!"

Rick grabbed Logan by the shoulders and punched him square in the jaw. Everyone in visible sight of the two gasped, while others turned their heads towards the commotion and scooted in.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" Logan howled.

"You just can't stop, can you!" Rick stormed back.

"What are you talking about!"


"Oh, her. I thought we were going places, but I guess that slut just doesn't know a good time when she sees one."

Both men jumped at each other once more, falling to the ground before continuing to get at one another.

Eventually both were bleeding and getting weaker.

"I- I want you to get- out." Rick huffed pointing towards the door.

"Why? Just because I kissed your new girlfriend?"

"What the actual hell do your think your talking about."

"Don't act like you don't know."

"Get. Out."

Logan gave in, raising both his arms in defeat and headed for the door. Then he was gone.

"I want everyone out!" Rick said. Soon everyone was gone except for Camila and Kate. Camila had just took 2 asprin and wanted to apologize to her lover. He came out of his office and Camila approached him.

"I'm so sorry," she cried, "I should've list-listened to you. Please forgive me."

"Oh-Camila, I love you, and nothing will ever change that. We just need to listen to each other, and I mean really listen. More than just a head nod."

"I understand," she then looked over to Kate, "I know I've said it already but I'm sorry, I was thinking more about myself."

"I love you Camila, your my sister, and I can't stay mad at you forever," Kate answered hugging l her sister, "And besides he hits like a girl."

The three of them laughed.

"I should get going, it was great meeting you Rick." Kate added shaking Rick's hand and heading for the door.

"Wait!" Rick called. Kate slowly turned around and Rick walked up to her, "Can we talk?"


- K

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