Chapter 14: Oops

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Kate made it into her car with a broken heart. She was crying uncontrollably now that she was alone. She was gripping the steering wheel with both hands while she pulled out of the parking lot choking on the air. she was driving fast needing to get home to clear her mind from everything that just happened.

"I can't believe this!" She yelled to know one, because know one was there.

"I'm so stupid!" She closed her eyes and threw her head back, before once again regaining her composure. She opened her eyes and saw the red light. She pressed hard on the breaks but her car slid on the icy asphalt and she continued into the intersection.


"I have to go." Rick said finishing putting on his clothes and then his jacket.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Camila asked walking close behind him.

"No, I really need to do this alone."

"But it was my fault." She said looking down getting emotional.

"It was my fault just as much as it was yours. I can't lose her."

"Ok, and if you get her back, I want to talk to her too."

"File those divorce papers Camila, I can't do this anymore. We're done, and just because I was an asshole I ruined everything with Kate. She left this place not knowing if I love her or not, and knowing and thinking I don't care about her, that I don't-cherish her. Because I do, more than anyone." And with that he ran out of the door heading to Kate's apartment.

When he reached her apartment he ran up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. When he her door he went straight for the doorknob. It was locked, no surprise.

"Kate-" he bellowed, "Please let me in!"


"Kate, I'm sorry!"


"I love you Kate!"

"What're ya doin' doll?" A voice called. Rick turned around to face the voice and found an elderly woman exiting her home.

"Have you seen the young woman that lives in this apartment recently? Have you seen her go inside?" Castle asked very politely.

"No Hun, I'm sorry."

"Are you sure?"

"Oh yes, every time someone on this floor opens or closes a door, everyone hears it, and the walls even vibrate a little, it comes with the place, and there hasn't been any doors opening or closing, so unless she climbed in through the window she's not inside."

"Ok thank you."

"Are you her boyfriend?"

"I was, but then I slept with her sister, who was my wife, which I cheated on, after her sister tried to set Kate up with my brother."

"That's to complicated for me. But I just want you to know, that she's very special to me. Ever since she was young and first moved here, she's been like a granddaughter, and I hate to see her hurtin'. So whatever you've done to her, you best be makin' it up in every way possible."

"Oh believe me, I will. I can't lose her, I don't know what I would do if I did."

"Well good. Now go find her boyo."

"Thank you so much."

"Anytime dear."

Rick hurried Aqua and got into his car. He sat there contemplating where she could be. She might be at the precinct. Maybe she's working to forget about everything that happened. Hopefully she'll be there so if she decides to kill him there'll be witnesses. Rick hurried and ignited the engine before carefully managing the slippery ice, but getting to the precinct rather quickly.

He bursted out of the elevator and ran to her desk. But she wasn't there. Maybe she was in the break room, Rick thought.

"Hey!" A voice shouted.

"Who are you?" Came another one.

Castle turned to see two men walking up to him, one shorter than the other.

"Have you seen Kate?" He asked.

"Beckett? No." One replied.

"She got off a few hours ago. Why?" The other added.

"Because I can't find her."

"Have you checked her apartment."

"Of course I have. And she's really upset and I just don't want her to do something she'll regret."

"Why? What'd you do to her?"


"Aren't you married to her sister."


"Did you hurt her?"


"We'll kick your ass."

"I didn't hurt her! Well I did, but not physically. I j-I just need to know if she's alright."

"You've come to the wrong place."

"Ok, is there anywhere else you could think of where she could be?"

"She's not at her place?"


"And she's not here, so no."


"Yeah, those are the only two places she hangs out in."

"Well," Rick sighed, "if she stops by please let me know, I'm Richard Castle."



"Thanks anyway you guys, it means a lot."

"Good luck!"

Rick didn't know what to do, he wasn't going to find her that easily, which was a given. He moped back into the elevator and slumped against the wall. How could I do this? He thought. He hated himself for hurting her the way he did. If only he had some Chen sense this whole situation could've been avoided. He was going to lose her, e felt it. There was something about her that changed him. He didn't know what it was but he knew it was for the better. He was determined to become a better person, not only for himself, but for Kate. And that all started with finding her.

As he got back into his car to formulate his next course of action, he felt a buzzing in the pocket of his pants.

"Hello?" He answered.

"It's Camila." She cried from the other line.

"What's wrong? Why didn't you call me on your phone?" Rick asked, feeling an uneasy feeling ease its way into him.

"I didn't have enough time to grab it, I just hurried here." She was hysterical.

"Hurried where? Camila what's going on?"

"You need to get here as fast as you can."

"Here where? Camila-" he complained

"It's Kate. It's Kate." She repeated while blowing her nose away from the phone. 

"What! Where are you?" He was worried.

"We're at the hospital."

"I'm on my way."


                           - K

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