Chapter 29: Remember This Night

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Once they had both settled themselves in the car Beckett couldn't get the blush to disappear from her lips. She hated it.

"You look like a tomato," Castle plainly stared, and jumped when he felt Kate's hand hit him in the chest, "sorry!" He said as he crossed his arm and pouted his lips.

"I told you she would know." She sighed and let out a strained laugh.

"Is it really that bad? She obviously knows that you don't want anyone to know, so I think she'll keep it to herself." Castle tried to reason but Kate wasn't buying it.

"She can't keep a secret. I mean she can,  but she's bound to tell Espo."

"But then we won't have to hide our relationship anymore."


"I want to be able to hold your hand, and while we're walking from crime scene to car I want to slip my hand into you back pocket, and I want to be able to show you how much I love you and not have to suppress it."

"Castle we can't do those things at work because it's unprofessional. And even once Espo and Ryan know I can't let Gates find out, then we won't be able to work together anymore. And that would be even worse than not being to hold your hand or whatever."

"Fine." He pouted, sticking out his bottom lip.

"But there's nothing against being passionate in a car." She smiled, giggling as she saw his eyes widen. She leaned forward and placed a soft kiss against his lips, her smiled widening as she felt both his hands cup her cheeks.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered not realizing he even said it. Though it was all worth it when the blush rose in her cheeks. He pecked her nose and sat back in his seat. It wanting to push her or pull her pigtails too hard.

"You ready, Castle?" She asked, waiting for his nod which told her to start the ignition. They drove back to the precinct to continue working on the case, rather than staring into each other's eyes. After a few more calls and APB's the case was closed. It wasn't as complicated as they had all assumed it had been. It was simply a Jack shot Jill over Bill, easy and solved. They all got off early and tended to their ow needs. It was around 9:30pm when a lightbulb went off in Castle's mind.

"Hey, Beckett?" He asked quietly, watch g as she diverted her vision from her paperwork to meet his eyes.

"What?" She questioned softly, trying to hold back the smile that always seemed to appear when she was around him.

"Wanna go out to a movie?"

"What movie?" She challenged, smirking and raising her eyebrows.


"It what?"

"No, no, It. You know the Stephen King remake."

"I don't know Castle, it's late, and I'm kind of beat. I just want to go home and sleep." She sighed.

"Or maybe you're just scared."


"Clowns are a universal fear, and I wouldn't think any less of you if you were too scared to go see it."

"Oh, I see, this is exactly like the time you made me say I ain't afraid of no ghosts, and then we went and investigated that so called haunted house, a year or so ago."

"I mean it worked didn't it."

"I ever said it didn't."

"So is that a yes?" She wriggled his eyebrows with a hopeful smile on his face.

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