Chapter 12: Dinner

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Kate sat at her desk in the precinct working on a case they had just closed.
It had been an easy day and it was almost 2:00, she got off at 6:00.

She then felt a tap on her shoulder and turned and saw Camila.

"What's wrong?" Kate asked.

"Nothing," she began, "I was just wondering, if you and Rick wanted to come over to the loft and have dinner, it would be an easy way to break the ice."

"I would love to, I get off at six, and could meet you there, and Rick could drive separately." Kate suggested.

"Yeah that's great, and we'll have dinner at about 7:00. does that sound good?"

"It sounds great. I'll call Rick in a few."

"Awesome, I can't wait."


"Love ya, Kate."

"Love you too."

After Camila left, Kate pulled out her phone and dialed Rick.

"Castle." He answered.

"Hey, so Camila stopped by today." Kate began.

"Really?" Rick asked surprised, "what did she want?"

"She wanted to know if we would like to go to the loft for dinner tonight."


"Yeah, I said I would ask you but that we would be there anyways, so, you have to say yes."


"Good. Well just drive separately because I'm going staring from work to the loft and I'll meet you there."

"What time?"

"6:20. Because I get off at 6:00 and its not that far a drive."

"Okie dokie."



Kate returned to her paperwork, only to be interrupted by Gates.

"Beckett." She said.


"I need you to stay later."

"How later, Sir? I have previous arrangements."



"Yes. I'm sorry, but there's a conference that I need to attend and I can't attend the conference and leave the precinct unattended. I know you get off at 6:00 but this meeting was last minute and I needed someone I knew you do the job right and that's you."

"Of course, Sir."

"Thank you, detective. And hey, it'll give you state of what it's like to be Captain of you ever decide to steal my job."

"Was that a joke, Sir?"

"It most definitely was, as you were. I'm leaving at 6:15 and then your in charge, alright?"

"Yes." Kate sighed looking down and picking up the pen once more. It was going to be a long night.

The clock had just struck 6:15 and Kate was now in charge of the precinct. She felt a little out of place, but soon warmed up to the idea and felt more comfortable.

Ryan and Epso knocked on the door and came in.

"Well, Captain." Ryan said.

"Shut up." Kate laughed.

"No, really," Espo chimed in, "How is it? Is it everything you've dreamed?"

"Ok guys seriously?" Kate laughed again.

"So, boss?"

"Get out you guys. It's my office, I can bust you down to traffic!" She joked and the boys left chuckling as well


Rick was at the loft door by 6:22. He was going to wait for Kate but he knew that the precinct was farther away than the apartment and he didn't want to keep Camila waiting, and he didn't want to be waiting outside by his elf for another 10 minutes. So he knocked.

Camila opened the door with a smile on her face and welcomed him in. There was awkwardness in the air, but they weren't going to let that ruin the night.

"Where's Kate?" Camila asked.

"She'll be here soon, the precinct is about 10 minutes longer of a drive." Rick subtly replied.


"Yeah, but I didn't want to keep you waiting."

"That's nice of you."

"Yeah..." He trailed off.

"So do you want anything to drink." Camila said breaking the silence.

"No, I'll just-I'll just wait for Kate."




"So, how long did you say the precinct drive was?" Camila asked, tapping her foot on the ground.

"About 10 minutes."


The once again present silence was interrupted by the ringing on Rick's phone. He quickly answered it.

"Hello? - Really? - It's fine. - Yes it is. - You were busy. - Ok. - Bye." He then hung up.

"Who was it?"

"It was Kate."

"Great, where is she?"

"She's going to be late."

"Well how late?"

"Like 8:00 late."


"Yeah, apparently the Captain, put her in charge, while she attends a last meeting."

"Well that hardly seems fair."

"It really isn't." They both smiled.

"See this isn't to bad." Camila said walking over to the couch, followed by Rick.

"It's not. At first maybe a little, but now, it's good."

"It is good."

"You look good." Rick said genuinely. She was still the beautiful wan she was when he left. He felt sorry for hurting her. He never meant to, it's just that Kate was someone he's never seen before and he wanted to get to know her, and it turned out he loved her with a great passion.

"You do too." Deep down Camila tried to hide her broken heart, but she couldn't deny that she still and feelings for him. But she wasn't going to tell anyone. She misses his eyes, his charm, his lips. She misses making love to him.

"Oh, I have something for you."

"You do!" She was excited. But when Rick handed her the signed divorce papers she felt her heart break. Again.

"There signed and ready to be filed. That's what you wanted, isn't it?" He said placing a hand on her knee gently.

"Yeah...or at least I thought I did."

"What are you talking about?"

"I still have feelings for you."


Kate felt bad about not telling Camila and Rick about having to stay later. The thought had totally slipped her mind. When she glanced over at the clock she saw that it was only 6:41.

About and hour and a half left she thought. She didn't really have anything to do and she just wanted to be with her sister and her boyfriend. She just hoped that nothing would get awkward. She really hoped that the time would fly.

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