Chapter 27: Pulled

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Today was the day that Beckett was to head back to the precinct. As ready as she was, she was nervous to get back into the swing of everything. She was nervous of what people would think of her, and if her colleagues would treat her any differently since the crash. What if she thought of herself differently? What if she wasn't ready to chase down criminals? She had re-qualified for her gun and the only left was to walk into that bullpen. To exit the elevator and become one with the force again. She had kept to herself over the time, only spending time with Castle, but she was ready to see Lanie and her boys Espo and Ryan again. She missed them, she missed the thrill. But what if the thrill was too much?

She felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her middle and then heard the calming voice of her lover, "It's going to be a great day." He said, and kissed her cheek softly. Beckett turned her neck so their lips could connect in a peaceful and blissful kiss. All of her worries disappeared and he muscles relaxed. He had an affect on her that no one else ever had, and she was happy to be in his arms.

After their gentle kiss she turned her body to face him and place her arms over his shoulder and laced her fingers together.

"Thanks for that." She hummed.

"I'll do everything I can to make this day comfortable for you." He flashed her a charming debonair smile and felt his heart flutter as she giggled. He loved her laugh. He wished with all his might she would always laugh, always be happy, because that's all he ever wanted when he was with her.

"How did I stuck with such an amazing man."

"It was bound to happen."

"Well I'm glad it did, now when we get to work you're going to wait a few minutes before you come in." She said with a serious voice.

"What! Why? I already made the deal with Montgomery and the Mayor to shadow you, why can't we walk in together?" He pouted, and she found it rather adorable, by she tried to remain serious.

"I'm flattered that you're writing a book on me, but my colleagues don't need to know anything else. As far as heir concerned your piece is fully out of interest in the force, not that we're fuck buddies."

"Fuck buddies! Is that all I am to you?" He said with an overly dramatic gasp.

"Ok, lovers, partners, boyfriend-girlfriend, but they don't need to know that. At least not now, ok?"

"So no PDA?"

"No. No handholding, sexual innuendos, nothing."

"I can stop the physical, but not the mental, my mouth has a mind of its own."


"You've yet to see its full potential." He smirked and she lightly smacked his chest.

"Was that the last sexual remark, or are there more to come? Because if so get them all out of your system now." Castle opened his mouth to say something but Beckett cut him of with a quick kiss, and then went to continue getting ready with Castle carefully watching her every move.

After a few more minutes the both of them were ready to head out, and Castle grabbed her hand, only for her to shake his grip and bump her shoulder into him. He chuckled to himself and could see out of his peripheral vision her give him an eye roll. They hopped into her police cruiser and began the day.

The drive to the precinct for her was tedious, but for Castle he was experiencing a new drive, not one had had done for the major part of her life.

When she pulled up outside the precinct and put the car in park, she took a breathe and looked over at Rick, "wait here and snoop for about 5, maybe 10 minutes, and then come up, ok?" She cupped his cheek and pecked his lips, and made sure she saw him nod, "ok, see you in there."

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