Chapter 16: Wounds

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Rick had finished exhaling the cause and the surface of why he had done it but he hadn't yet gone into depth. He hadn't explained the full extent to why he chose to cause this much damage.

"I'm so sorry." he cried. Kate hadn't said anything the whole time and at a moment he assumed she had fallen back asleep but he knew she hadn't. She wouldn't.

"B-but why?" She asked again.

"Because I was lost," he began, "I was so lost and confused and stupid that I couldn't see what was right in front of me. I couldn't see the damage that I was doing I couldn't-"

"Rick?" A weary voice interrupted and he turned around to see Camila waking up.

"Why didn't you hit me or something?" She asked irritated.

"It wasn't the time." He reasoned,

"We have to go get the doctor." She insisted.

"Kate's still tried, we need to give her time."

"No. we need to get the doctor." She finished standing and heading out to go find a doctor. Rick sighed and looked back at Kate who still seemed to want and answer, and he couldn't blame her.

"I'll finish when we're alone again ok?" Kate could barely nod, but he men's she agreed.

Dr. Shepard made his way inside the room with a true but tired smile in his face.

"I guess it's a good morning Miss Beckett, how are you feeling? It's alright just nod or shrug." He softly asked. Kate shrugged and pain grew in her.

"It's alright, I know you're in pain, just try to shrug or even make a meager movement and we'll get through this, ok?"  He smiled. Kate barely nodded and the doctor continued. He updated he on her current situation and what had happened in case she couldn't remember.

"You're expected to make a full recovery, Kate and if there are any complications after you head home, feel free to come back and we'll make sure that everything is okay, now try to get rest, that will help the most and I'll come by soon to check on you, does that sound alright?"

This time Kate could almost give him a full nod and the doctor exited leaving just Kate, Rick, and Camila.

"Hey, love." Camila said coming up next to Kate who turned her head looking away.

"Oh come on Kate, you looked at Rick, why can't you look at me?" Kate didn't respond, "what did he tell you?"

"I told her everything." Rick said.

"Oh? So you told her that it was my idea to sleep together?" She said angrily.

"It's part of the story."

"You agreed, she should be mad at you too!" Her voice became raised.

"Calm down, it's both of our faults and we just have to live with it, ok? I don't know why she's more mad at you than me, but we're not going to solve this by yelling at her and with each other when she's hurt and confused. We need to let her rest, now you can stay be her big sister whether she talks to you or not, or you can leave because I'm not going to have you yelling and whining, clear?"

"Yeah, sorry." Camila shrugged looking down and feeling remorse.

"It's fine."

Rick looked over at Kate saw that she had fallen back asleep. He smiled to himself and sat back down and watched over Kate for the rest of the night.

The next morning or so he awoke to a soft crying. He assumed it was Camila but when he turned and saw her she was asleep, he looked over to Kate. She was awake but it was obvious that she was in pain. Rick held her hand and cooed,

"Kate, it's ok." He ran his hand through her hair and she just look at him.

"It hurts." She cried.

"I know, it's going to be alright."


"Shh...just look at me." Kate looked into his crystal blue eyes and she felt calmer, she seemed to forgot about the pain. She even cracked her first smile. 

"There's the smile I missed." He chuckled. Kate  was happy one minute and the next she frowned and looked down again.

"Kate?" She looked away from him, and had a big sigh. Rick saw a small tear fall. She was remembering, and she was feeling betrayed. He felt very bad.

"I'm so sorry."

"I know." She whispered, her voice cracking.

"Will you ever be able to forgive me?"

"I don't know."

"Ok, just know that I'm here if you need me, for anything, because I love you." He kissed her forehead and sat back down but slid his chair back giving her the space she needed. He felt awful, he didn't know what to say, he just wanted to do something to help her, although deep down he knew that she would be angry. So he held back.

"My head." She groaned.

"I'll go get-" Rick began but was interrupted.

"No, please..." she curled up into a ball and couldn't get comfortable.

"Ok." Rick then sat back down and crossed his arms restraining himself. He looked over to Camila and she was still sleeping. Kate had stopped groaning so he figured she was sleeping. He got up and went to go get some coffee. He was roaming the halls looking for a vending machine or something when he ran into another body.

"Sorry." The voice said.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"It's alright." The doctor said and he looked at the coffee in her hand.

"Where did you get that?" Castle asked.

"There's a stand in the cafeteria that's across the long hall in the North Wing."

"Where is that?"

"Oh you know what, just take mine, I just got it." She said handing him the cup.

"No I couldn't, you paid for it."

"Yeah, but I'm not really thirsty, I have a surgery in ten. I'm Meredith. Hope you enjoy it."

"At least let me pay you back."

"That's ok, it's free for doctors. I don't mind really."

"Great thank you." He smiled and so did she and they walked their separate ways.

"Hey!" She called out.


"I hope that whoever you're here for, that they get better soon."

"Thank you."



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