Chapter 20: Out

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Light shown through the curtains as Kate awoke. She felt warm and fuzzy and it was good for a change. She had a rough night and with Rick there it really helped. He has no idea. She was happy that she called him.

Kate softly opened her eyes and looked around. There was too much light. The sun sure, but her bedroom lights were on as well the power had turned back on. Soon she was going to get rather hot with all the blankets and the addition of the heater to she would have to get up soon.

She didn't feel up for it though. She wanted to stay where she felt comfortable and if she moved her head to fast or moved a certain way it would hurt. She was still in pain, which is at the bottom of her want list at the moment. She looked next to her and saw Rick sound asleep with no blankets only his jacket and coat. She felt bad for him, but was thankful that he showed up.

She was still in love with him. Even after what he did she couldn't resist him. There was just something about him that made her see everything she could ever want. She wanted to keep it that way but she couldn't find it in herself to forgive him. Not right now at least. She needed time to think. That was always her excuse. She already knew her answer but she was to chicken to do anything about it. She wasn't going to 'put herself out there' for him again only to be cheated on again. But she knew deep down that eventually she would forgive him, because a life without Rick was a bad one.

She felt him move next to her and heard a groan. She was as his eyes fluttered as well and then she was lost in his crystal baby blues. He smiled when he saw her.

"Good morning." He grinned.

"Hi." Kate said, resorting to the level of that of a mouse. She was embarrassed that he caught her staring at him.

"How are you feeling?" He sat up.

"Could be better." She murmured.

"You look better, a lot-warmer."

"That's because you piled me with four blankets."

"I just wanted you to be warm."

"And it worked, so-thank you."

"Always." They both locked eyes with each other but then broke away.

"Do you need anything?" He continued.

"No, you can leave if you want."


"Excuse me?"

"No way am I leaving you here alone. You obviously don't feel so hot, which is understandable because you just got out of the hospital, Kate. I can't allow myself to leave you, because if something were to happen-"

"Ok, I get it," she blushed, "you can stay."

"Thank you."

"Now, do you need anything do you want to get up?"

"Uh, I feel really embarrassed." She blushed even harder and looked down.


"I-I need to go to the bathroom but trying to throw off all of these thick blankets kind of hurts my arms."

"Oh of course." Rick hurried over and unpacked the blankets and helped her sit up. He helped her stand as well and she walked into the bathroom. He sat down on the edge of the bed. He didn't know what he should do. Should he make breakfast? Should he wait and see what she would want to do? Soon enough she came out and laughed a little when she saw him sitting on the bed.

"What?" He put on a fake pout.

"Nothing," she said laughing, "it's just you look so lost, it's cute."

"I was waiting for you."

"I appreciate it."

"Well thanks."

"I'm sorry for laughing. It's just-"

"Just what?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You look really nice."

"Makes you want me right?"

Kate rolled her eyes.

"I'm kidding, but I think you look good too."

"I was just in a car accident how do I look good?"

"You always look good."

"Stop." She hit him softly and sat down next to him, trying to calm her flushed cheeks. There was a silence between the two until Rick broke it.

"I'm so sorry." Rick blurted.

"For what?" She furrowed her brows.

"For hurting you."

"You're not the one who caused the crash." She shrugged.

"But I was a contributing factor."

"I really don't feel up for talking about this right now." She was upset and looked down at her feet.

"But you need to know-"

"How sorry you are? I'm guessing pretty sorry, by the amounts of times you told me."

"I'm sorry-"


"Stop wh-"

"Stop saying your sorry."

"But I am-"

"That's good to know, but it doesn't change what you did."

"I know, and I will do anything it takes to make it up."

"You can't fix this one, Rick."


"It's already decided."


"As much as I want to...I can't forgive you."

"Just try and think it over."

"I keep doing that, and every time I come to the implication that you just wanted to use me." She was growing sadder.

"That's not true-"

"Did you want to sleep with me?"

"Well-yes, but-"

"Then it is true. I think you should leave."


"I really, really want you to leave."

"Fine!" He yelled, "just remember that you're the one who called me! I came over because of you, I didn't show up unannounced, you could've called anyone else, but you chose me. So reflect on that the next time you're about to call. Because I won't answer." He refuted and turned storming out without the blankets and slammed the door shut, leaving a crying Kate.

She grabbed one of the blankets and breathed in. It smelled like him. She wrapped it around herself and snuggled into the pillow he slept on and cried herself to sleep.

"I love you." She whispered. The mode three words just lingered out there because no one was there to take it.


            - K

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