Chapter 15: Inside

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Rick rushed into the hospital not even watching out for other citizens who were worried just as much as he was, well maybe not that much. He skidded to the front desk and began begging the nurse for information.

"Kate Beckett, where is she!" He also yelled.

"Hush. Who are you?" The receptionist asked with an attitude.

"I need to see Kate Beckett, where is she?" He yelled once more.

"I'm gong to need you to calm down and tell me your name sir, or else I'm giving you no information."

"You know what-"

"Rick!" A voice called. He stopped mid sentence and turned to find Camila rising from a chair and beckoning him over.

"Thanks for nothing." Rick said to the receptionist and ran over  to Camila embracing her tightly. She has been crying.

"Where is she!" He said stepping back a little.

"She's still in surgery."

"Surgery! What happened!"

"She was in a car crash, and had to. E pull out, they said she was unconscious and losing a lot of blood."

"How long-"

"Ever since she got here. I got here about an hour ago and when I called you it was when I finally had stopped being hysterical."

Do you know how much longer she'll be in surgery?"

"No. We just have to wait."

"Great." He said sarcastically.

The two of them sat down in the hospital chairs and waited. Time passed.



But finally someone called

"Katherine Beckett?" Although Camila and Rick were both tired, they both bolted towards the doctor.

"Is she ok?" Camila asked.

"Follow me." The doctor said gesturing for them to follow him down the hall and to Kate's room.

The two of them gasped when they saw her. Kate's skim looked wan and purple bruises covered her arms and were lightly noticed on her face. There was a large bandage wrapped around her head.

"What happened?" Rick asked holding back his emotions.

"She was in a car crash, and most of the damage was to her head and brain. She had bleeding but we managed to get it under control. She's going to be very sore, scared, confused, and tired, so take it easy and try not to talk so much. She needs as much help as she can get and that includes sleep so being here for her silently is probably the best option, I'm Dr. Shepard, if you have any questions."

"Will all of her memories still be intact?" Camila questioned with a tear slipping from her eye.

"Of course."

"How much longer will she be asleep?" Rick added. 

"Probably another hour or so, we put her on heavy medication for the pain, and when she is conscious most of what she says won't make much sense."

"And how long will she be in the hospital?"

"Quite awhile, we need to make sure the brain heals properly and that no signs of issues show up, in the mean time your both welcome to sit in here as long as Katherine remains undisturbed."

"Thank you, and when she wakes up, she'll want to be called Kate, not Katherine." Camila shrugged.

"Noted." Dr. Shepard then quietly left the room and it became silent. Rick was staying strong but Camila was slowly breaking down.

Soon Camila fell asleep with her head leaning backwards against the wall. Rock had managed to keep his eyes open, not wanting to miss the moment when Kate woke up. It had almost been two hours and Rick noticed Kate's nose twitching and her eyes began to flutter.

He quickly sat up and became very alert. He stood up and walked over to Kate's bed, placing his hand on hers.

Kate slowly moved her head from side to side and eventually opened her eyes. They quickly closed again and she began growing continuing to move her head.

Rick took his hand and placed it in her cheek, stopping her head from rocking. He gently massaged her bruised cheek with his thumb.

Kate groaned, "What-happened." She said barely audible.

"You were in an accident," Rick whispered, "You're in the hospital."

"My head feels so heavy." She almost cried, moaning and clearing her scratchy throat.

"I know."

"And my eyes. They won't-st-stay open."

"Then keep them closed, it's alright. Just try to rest."

Rick couldn't decide whether Kate was still upset. He's sure that when she's fully aware of where she is and once her pain level is reduced she'll be furious. For now he'll enjoy the time he has with his Kate. With his other hand still on hers he sat down on her bed and didn't move. He wanted her to feel comfortable and if that meant not moving for hours he would do it.

He watched slowly as she fell back asleep and he swiftly got up and quietly shuffled over to a chair and pulled it up closer directly next to the bed and then promptly sat back down embracing her hand with the both of his.

He looked at her bloody knuckles and bruised arm and grew emotional. This was his fault. If he hadn't had succumbed to his old playboy ways him and Kate would be happy and she would be safe and healthy. He couldn't even imagined what he would've done if she had died. He couldn't have lived with himself.

Camila still hadn't woken up and he refrained from telling the doctor until she had woken again. He could tell she was drop dead tired and felt as though she didn't need all of the commotion. She needed rest and he could only hope that she would forgive him when the time came. At around 1:00am Rick slowly opened his eyes with a kink in his neck from the way he was laying on Kate's bed. She was waking up again.

"R-" she tried, but her voice wouldn't cooperate.

"It's ok, I'm here." He assured her and he could see her frown.

"W-why?" She managed. Rick could tell what she meant. Obviously she had remembered the awful thing he had done and wanted answers. But would she remove them if he told her now? Or would he have to go through the same painful process once again when she becomes fully lucid?

He would just have to handle it.

"Do you want me to explain?" He genuinely asked.

"Please." She begged.

And so he began.


- K


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