Chapter 18: Home

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The snowy drive was silent with every conversation attempted by Rick being dodged by Kate. She just wanted to be left alone, which he understood, but he couldn't lose her. He reached her apartment and helped her out and into the building.

"You can go now," she said, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure, I can't just leave you here all alone."

"I'll call Lanie."

"Whose's Lanie?"

"Someone I work with."

"Should I believe you?"

"I'm telling the truth."

"How can I be certain?"

"Fine. Don't believe me, but you're leaving either way, I don't need you, and I'm finding it really hard to be looking at you right now."


"Castle-I need you to go. You being here is not helping-in any way."

"I'm sorry. I'm gone." He finished with a sigh. Kate turned and walked best she could to the elevator and made one last glimpse of eye contact before the elevator doors closed and the two were separated.

Rick walked out into his car and the snow that was falling was becoming heavier. He sighed and couldn't think of where else to go. He couldn't go to the loft because that's where Camila would be and he couldn't go into Kate's apartment because that's where Kate is. But there is Alexis. Alexis is his first daughter from Meredith his first marriage. Alexis and Rick used to be very close but after the divorce Rick left with time to himself and Alexis was still young and thought for the longest time that he didn't love her, although that couldn't be farther from the truth. Castle repeatedly apologized and Alexis forgave him but they never fully got back their once great father daughter bond. Now Alexis lives with his mother Martha and Meredith is off in Paris hoping to pursue her dreams on the big screen. Rick decided that he would face his mother and Alexis. He hadn't spoken to them in over 5 years. Alexis should be 15 by now, he wondered if she still had the same glow in her eyes. He hoped so. He turned on the ignition and drove to his childhood home.


Kate eventually made it into her apartment shivering at how cold it was. She hadn't been inside in almost a month and the heater hadn't been turned on since them. It felt like a freezer. Whenever Kate breathed in big breathes smoke followed. She clicked on the heat and went straight to bed. She felt lonely, and tired, and scared.deep down she wanted Rick to stay. She wanted to snuggle up into his side and feel to comfort and safety brought with his love. But she couldn't. She no longer felt those fuzzy moments of joy, they had diminished. They disappeared the moment she saw him in bed with Camila. The funny thing is, that she didn't blame either of them. She blamed herself. She blamed herself for not giving him what he wanted, sex. She knew that it really wasn't her fault, that if he really loved her he would wait, but she didn't want to face the fact that he really didn't love her. It crushed her inside. Knowing that the one person you really felt a connection with didn't want you the way you wanted them, hurts. The pain will never disappear. Sure she can cover it up, but the feeling will always remain, it may stay untouched but it doesn't go unnoticed.

She felt a tear run down her cold cheek and quickly wiped it away. She didn't want anyone knowing she was weak. She felt so vulnerable. She definitely didn't want Camila over. Camila as much as she hated, would read her like a book and try and tell her that everything would be ok. That was one of the last things Kate needed.

She tried to distract herself with anything, but nothing came to mind. She gently leaned back in bed and closed her eyes hoping that eventually she would fall asleep.


Rick pulled up to the nice apartment building and parked his car stepping out in the slightly warmer area. He locked the car and headed inside walking up to elevator waiting patiently. It opened in time and he rode it up to the same floor he did for years. When he stepped out, it was al just as if he was stepping back in to his easy kid days. The days where he would come home from school, eat a cookie and read or write.

Sadly those days were over. He reached the door to his childhood loft and gently knocked. He waited a moment or two before his gorgeous grown up daughter answered the door.

He couldn't help but smile.

"Dad." Alexis asked with a stunned tone and both her eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Can I come in?" He asked flashing a smile. He wasn't expecting Alexis to gladly accept him inside, but surprising him she did. She too him into a big hug that warmed both of their hearts.

"I missed you, pumpkin." He hummed.

"I missed you too, dad," Alexis said almost crying, "come on." She gestured for him to come in and he did. He took off his coat and hung it by the door and met eyes with his mother who dropped the cup she was holding. Since she was washing the dishes the glass broke in the sink. She gently turned off the water and walked out in front of the counter and opened her arms for Rick to come in to.

"Richard, my darling boy." She cooed.

"Hi, mom." She smiled back hugging her tightly. They pulled back and the three of them sat down on the couch.

"Why are you here?" Martha asked.

"It's a long story." He stated.

"Well lucky for you, we've got time." Alexis replied and Rick began his story.


Kate felt her body shaking as she was asleep and her whole 'peaceful' state of mind she was in cracked. She almost shot up in bed but you shaking arms and legs held her back. She glanced around the room and saw no lights on, and felt no heat.

Her apartment just had a power outage, in negative weather, and she was all alone.


    - K

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