Chapter 17

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My phone's vibration woke me up today. Stacey was still sleep. I looked at it, it was Evette. I just ignored it. I got up and went to the bathroom. Last night was A-1. I told her I loved her and I really meant it. We still got a project to work on that's due on Monday.

I walked in the room and she wasn't in the bed anymore.

"Stacey." I said

No answer.

"Yo Stacey."

Still no answer. I walked down the stairs it was quiet. I looked out the window. Her car is still in the driveway. So she was in here.

"Oh so you wanna play that game huh?"

"Come find me if you can." Her voice sounded so sexy and mysterious. I followed her giggles. I came to a room with a bunch of fabrics. a window was open so the fabric was just blowing all around. When I creaked the door open her giggling stopped. The room was only lit by the sunlight outside but it was still bright. I was moving through the fabrics as quietly as I could but the floor boards were squeaky.

I saw her behind a faded purple sheet of fabric. I reached out and wrapped my hands around her waist. "Found you."

She turned around and kissed me. Then she pulled away, and sat on the ground.

"What is this room for anyway?" I asked.

"Before my grandmother died she would sew to make some money. She made some of the best clothes you ever seen."

She paused and was rubbing on the faded purple sheet.

"This was the last fabric she was using. She was making me a prom dress for last years prom. But she ended up in the hospital before she could finish. Anyway she left me this room and all the fabric. She said it would bring me happiness, and it does. You're the first person I've ever brought in here. No one comes in here but me."

"Do you miss her?" I sat down beside her

"Yeah I feel like she's with me all the time."

I looked into her eyes. Again I saw something that I've only seen once in my life. At first I couldn't remember where I had seen it then it just hit me.

"You know the same thing I see in your eyes is the exact same thing I only saw once in my entire lifetime."


"Back when I was three and my mother died she looked into my eyes that day and said 'When you find your soulmate hold on to her even until death, like your father did for me. Give her life, love, a family and always protect her.' I didn't know it then but her eyes showed how she would fight for me no matter how sick or hurt she was, she would do anything to protect me. And now I see it in you."

She put her hand in mine and put the other one on my cheek.

"I would die before I let anything happen to you." I saw her a tear fall down her face.

The wind blew and the fabrics all went into the air. They were just flowing like a river. I knew then, that Stacey would never stop fighting for me.

And I would do the same.

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