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Prologue : The Beginning.


Current Chapter :

Author's PoV :

14 Years later...

The sky was blue as the sea, Seagulls were flying around all over the sea. Indicating land nearby. A ginourmous navy ship sailing near at one of the most famous and strongest prisons amongst Marine forts. Several great leaders and admirals were sent and gathered to defend their fortress, Impel down.

For the Navy, today is a special occasion. Where the son of Gold D. Roger gets executed. Where Ace D. Portgas is going to be executed. An event Royal Families and World Government enjoy watching a pirate's execution for this sick and twisted entertainment.

A young female rear Admiral, one of the lowest rank in Admiral position, yet fifth highest in the whole system, instructed them to prepare to dock. At the age of twenty two, Alyseia Shiroku managed to get promoted to be rear admiral. Making her one of the youngest female to have such a huge authority and power in Marine history.

The soldiers began to move and do their assigned tasks. They were doing their jobs. Three people consist of two Commanders and one Rear Admiral made their way to greet the higher-ups.

"This is pain the butt" Alyseia, the rear Admiral, sighed in annoyance, her voice was monotously like always.

She saw Sengoku, the Fleet Admiral, standing near the docks waiting for Alyseia to greet her superior.

"Alyseia, your supposed to come few days before the execution!" Sengoku instantly scolded her "not on the next day! Of the actual event!"

"I don't care." Alyseia commented, yawning at Sengoku's scolding "I had few business to deal with."

Knowing the child, she grew up quite the oddball in the Navy. Ever since Rosinante's death, She stopped smiling so lovingly and started to become more of leader—more colder, and stoic.

Sengoku would always worry about her since she would disappear time to time without bothering to contact anyone but comes back to capture prominent pirates, causing for the older marines to bitterly hold back any complaints they have about her.

Without the chains of Rosinante holding her, the skills she own are similar to a beastly prodigy, now as free like a bird. Turning her into one of the most youngest and most feared marine member the world.

"Geez Alya-chan, I know you hate public executions but we have to do it" Sengoku sighed in defeat, calling the girl by her nickname "it's for a better world"

"What kind of world we live in where we slaughter for entertainment? He's just a boy. He does not bear the sin of his father or whatsoever" Alyseia furrowed her brows, containing her anger "anyways, I want to see him"

"He's not a boy!" Sengoku added "Alya-chan, he's in the same age a you! Probably older!"

"I don't care, I'll call him what I want." Alyseia spoke "I want to see him and I will see him. Ikshi, Dia do take over for a couple of hours."

"Yes Ma'am!" The two commanders saluted at their given order.

Ikshi was a nickname for Ikshiwaremoto Yagito, which was quite a tongue twister for the Rear Admiral and decided to call him by his nickname. His appearance was black hair and ocean blue eyes, he always wear prescription glasses and has a strict personality. On the hand, Dia, or Diana Sena is a complete opposite of Ikshi, a laid back, lazy person. Despite of criticism being a female, she is quite a prodigy in marksmanship. Her hair is blonde dyed in pastel pink highlights and it reflected it on her redish pink eyes.

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