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Alyseia was never perfect...

Current Chapter:


Everyone was happily eating their lunch, food on their plate were mostly gone when Alyseia threw bunch of papers at the table. Wanted papers. Everyone was curious about the contents only to see their names and faces in a piece of paper, along with their bounty.

Known as: The Silent Raven
Bounty: 520 000 000

Known as: The Silver demon
Bounty: 140 500 000

Known as: Sloth Sniper
Bounty: 79 700 000

Known as: Interception.
Bounty: 78 000 000

There were amazement in their eyes, except for Charlotte (due to her blindness). It has only been a day since they bombed couple of areas and now they have bounties on their heads.

"Pft..." Ishki let out a muffle laugh as it turned into a crazy laughter "Ahahaha! S-sloth -haha- Sniper ahaha! Even the marine knew you were a lazy bum!"

"At least mine isn't one word and boring!" Dia stuck her tongue out, trying to provoked the raven male. Ishki was completely fell from her provocation and started arguing.

Everyone only watch the two fight, as they continued eating their lunch. Learning their own bounty and finally recognizing them as criminals, Orion and Aries wondered how in the world these four people got their bounty in their head.

"You seem like dying to ask something, boy" Alyseia spoke, it seems like it has been a habbit talking to Orion, his expression was always like an open-book "curious on how we got such a bounty?"

"Would I be killed if I knew it?" Orion spoke nervously, the sweat from his cheeks trickled down slowly.

"It depends on how you use it, but yes, there is a chance" Alyseia told the man honestly "so, would you still like to learn?"

"...I" Orion gulped, his expression was stiff but there were determination in his eyes "I do!"

"As expected, I don't dislike people like you" Alyseia smirked at him. despite of his foul mouth, she find that he was sincere and honest "very well, you probably must've known the recent bombings and terrorist attacks am I correct?"

The two of them nodded, curious at what the girl has to say. It was because of the bombing that two of them were able to escape, they always thought that there were just some malfunction in their building but apparently there's more to it.

"Well it was us who did it" Dia, who were arguing with Ishki, talked after winning their argument "Captain planned everything, we carried out the plan, Ishki hacked every den den mushi's and voilà there's money for our heads"

"You make it sound easy, but yes, that is how we got our bounties" Alyseia spoke, she crossed her legs and arms crossed together "but before we could do that, we had to make sure that some islands that were in my protection was safe and im order to do that, getting help with few people and planning ahead is a must. The world government realize that and knew how much of a threat we are"

"So all of you were responsible with all of the past explosions?" Aries, the quiet boy finally spoke, as he was intently listening from the begginging

"Yes, but that was all a distraction in helping Dragon, y'know freeing slaves and etc" Alyseia answered, sighing at information she shared.

Lunch ended almost at the blink of an eye, as they all cleaned up and did their chores equally. Alyseia then spoke to Dia, as there was a request on sudden change of course in their adventure.



It took the Night Raven crew to arrived in an island name Baltigo, a place where the soil is white and isolated from most islands.

The moment, their crew stepped on the soil. Sharp weapons were immidiately pointed to their directions, as they weren't exactly quiet or secretive docking at the place. Everyone kept a stoic face except for the two men who weren't exactly experience at this kind of situation.

"State your name and Business" someone yelled, not letting their guard down at the invaders.

"Alyseia Shiroku, I'm here to meet Dragon" The captain followed accordingly, not moving a single inch.

"Ha! You think that we'll let an Admiral talk to to our boss" One of the men snorted, as he started to dash, creating dust cloud as he head toward the raven captain, who seem to not bother to move a single muscle.

"That's enough!"

Dust was everywhere, the man that dashed towards Alyseia created a fog made of dust, everthing was foggy, no one can see anything and the island was replaced with silence. Exept for loud order of the mysterious man.

Everything was slowly calming down, the dust were starting to get swept away by the wind and clearing out the dusty fog. The man who dashed towards the Raven captain was stopped as Charlotte's sword was threatening to slice his neck, while the vice commander obviously blocking Charlotte's sword attempting to save his subordinate's life.

"Charlotte, I appreciate your protection but sheathe your sword" Alyseia ordered "and for you Sabo, you need to train your subordinates more. They seem to lack in common sense and need an update to the world"

"Ahaha, my bad Alyseia!" Sabo smiled carelessly "they're still new to revolutionary, I hope that you forgive them!"

"That is fine, but I don't know how others would react" The female captain sighed, looking at the two men who were somewhat terrified "anyways, where's dragon?"

"Come follow me, its great that you guys came in earlier than expected so we can start early" Sabo lead me the way, while my crew stayed and explored the island.

After few turns and climbing up the stairs, we finally arrived at Dragon's office. It was almost similar to her office as there was stack of documents and top information, Dragon was writing something that Alyseia doesn't need to care at the moment.

"You came earlier than expected" Dragon spoke, still writing, not bothering to look at the girl. "Come, have a sit!"

Just to clear any misunderstandings.




Don't forget to :





- Neku -
Crew name: Night Raven

Existing member:

Alyseia Shiroku (Captain)
Age: 26
Ability user: Soundproof
Wanted N.Name: The Silent Raven
Bounty: 520 000 000

Ishkiwaremoto Yagito (Mom of the crew)
Age: 25
Ability user: N/A
Wanted N.Name: Interception
Bounty: 78 000 000

Diana Sena (Navigator and Sniper)
Age: 24
Ability user: N/A
Wanted N.Name: Sloth Sniper
Bounty: 79 700 000

Charlotte Olivier  (tba)
Age: 26
Ability user: Gravity
Wanted N.Name: The Silver Demon
Bounty: 140 000 000

Name - ?????
Age: ??
Wanted N. Name: ???

Name - ?????
Age: ??
Wanted N. Name: ???

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