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Previous chapter:

Alyseia went to shower.

Current Chapter:

Koala lead Law to Alyseia's room, it was simple and minimalistic. It was really clean and the revolutionary girl was right. The room was big enough for two people, Law sat by the bed and looked around; A small desk filled  stacks of paper, a large window beside it, an empty closet and Alyseia's sword.

Law stood up and inspected Alyseia's sword. A raven bird was printed on it's sheath, he pulled the sword out a bit to see the sword in it's perfect condition. Law was mesmerize at her sword, it felt like it was draining his strength.

"You shouldn't just touch them without my permission" She startled Law, Alyseia finished taking a shower "My sword arrived earlier than predicted, I didn't expected for them to deliver my sword that quickly"

Law shamelessly checked Alyseia's body, as it was a rare sight of him to see Alyseia in her casual clothing, let alone, in her pyjamas.

"Are you done?" Alyseia raised her brow, crossing her arms as she glared at Law

"No." Law smirked, he went toward where Alyseia is standing and hovered, making Alyseia trapped between Law and the wall "you know that I am a man, and I couldn't help myself but to look"

"Go to sleep idiot" Alyseia sighed and pushed Law away "you can sleep on the bed"

"And what about you?"

"I'll sleep later, I need to look at some documents" Alyseia pointed at the stack of papers "geez, Dragon is always brutal with these paperwork"

Alyseia left Law standing as she is already seated in her small desk. Hours passed by and it was around midnight, Law was asleep but Alyseia was still reading documents, there were a couple more pages when a unfamiliar bird flew and stood by the window.

Alyseia opened the window, and saw the note it was carrying. She took the small paper and watched the bird flew until it was gone. She open the small note and read it's content.

I will be back...


Alyseia'seyes widened, there was no way Doflamingo could have any way to sent a letter to anyone. She shaked in terror, remembering the near death experience Doflamingo gave her. She immediately turned around to look at Law who was still sleeping peacefully, Alyseia sighed in relief that he didnt saw the note. She then burned the note, leaving the paper into ashes.


The next morning, Law woke up by himself. He saw the room was empty and the only difference was the stack of paper  and her sword was gone, he immediately got up and did his morning necessities.

He went down to the cafeteria to grab breakfast to see Alyseia andKoala eating together and talking about some serious matters related to Revolutionary. Law sat in front of the two girls.

"G'Morning!" Koala greeted Law and responded greeted back "how was your sleep?"

"It was great, but" His gaze landed at Alyseia who was eating normally "did you even sleep Shiro-ya?"

"I did"

"How long?"

"...Five minutes."

At this point, the Heart's captain and the revolutionary girl was giving Alyseia a good long lecture about sleeping is life. Alyseia defended her case by arguing with the paperwork she had to do, but still got scolded as it was supposed to be a week worth of work.

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