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Previous chapter:

Alyseia left law after treating her lunch.

Current Chapter:

Alyseia had a filling full course meal, and for free too! The raven haired captain was headed a bit further away from the port, hidden from the Marine. Arriving at the boat, Alyseia noticed that there were more bodies than usual. Usually, pirate captains would be cautious strangers who were in their boat, but she didn't seem to care. She could also see the nervous glance everyone was sharing, waiting for their captains reaction.

"Charlotte, explain" Alyseia spoke in bored tone, Charlotte flinched and nodded. It seems that she was tge only calm one in the crew so far.

"We found two slave escapees, on the streets on our way to get the ship." Charlotte explained the appearance of the two new faces "the two of them were heavily wounded and unconscious. So Dia and Ishki decided to take them in until theyre perfectly healthy."

"Is that so," she hummed, her vision looked at the two members, sweating heavily "alright, but they still need to work here to feed themselves when they're fully healthy."

Dia and Ishki sighed in relief, that they didn't get in trouble for helping a slave escape.

"See, I told you guys that Aly-chan won't punish you two for such a thing!" Charlotte chuckled, as she explore the ship through her hands.

"But you two are responsible for taking care of these two." Alyseia added, as the two of them nodded " anyways, so have you guys found a room you like?"

The three of them decided that Alyseia should take the largest masters room, despite the fact all rooms were pretty big. Also the observation deck would become Alyseia's office and the other three spare rooms were yet to be decided.


Everyone in the ship were doing a general cleaning, from top to bottom since it was unused for decades, it was dusty and spider webs were almost everywhere. Everyone was taking a break while the two unconscious people were yet to be awaken.

"Does our crew have a name, Captain?" Dia asked, dying to know what they're crew name might be, the other two nodded. Everyone was curious.

Was it  going to be  lame?





"Night Ravens" Alyseia spoke two words, all anticipation died out. Their captain came up with two names earlier, she gave more thought to their crew name and decided to merge to names.

It was simple.

Nothing fancy or exaggerated of a crew name, everyone liked the name. While four of them were finishing up, one of the unconscious person were starting to wake up. The man got up, to quickly for his own good, and gave out a defensive stance. Pain were obvious in his expression but none of the crew did anything.

The man has blonde hair, hetechromatic eyes of blue and gold. Despite of his dirty tattered clothing, he was incredibly gorgeous. His wounds from his stomach reopened and he started to bleed again, blood quickly gushing out the man started to collapse as he no longer was able to control his body at the moment. Dia and Ishki quickly dashed helping out the somewhat alive man.

"You must be an idiot, boy" Alyseia walked closing in to the blonde man, insulting him because of his stupid actions. "But then again, you were right to be up on your guard. Especially with strangers."

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