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Previous chapter:

"Be prapared for the greatest mutiny!"

Current Chapter:

"Tonight, we shall give you a small present!" The leader announced, her voice was edited and higher than usual "but it's probably more of a gift to the pirates"

The moon shone ever so bright, awaiting for the calamity to begin. Every notorious pirates seems to watch her, intrigue at what her next movement is going to be.

"I will destroy one marine ford in every island!" Citizens gasps and Marine slowly started to make their out of the building "... But I guess it wasn't really fair for citizens, I decided to a bomb one of Celestial dragon's meeting place and slave trading building!"

The vision den den mushi showed several images of marine fortress, the one that has a biggest emphasis was the celestial dragons location.

Behind the scene, Dragon's men are on stand by. As they await for the explosion to happen. Tonight was a collaboration between three Marine members with each members are in high rankings and a rebellion group. Alyseia was the face of the operation, to distract the world's attention to the rebellion as they move in the shadows.

Her tone sounded like an excited announcer but her voice was filled with menace, without wasting another breath she snapped her fingers, and the sound of explosions can heard. Every building she mention exploded and started to burn.

It was terrifying sight to see some may trembled in fear but some people started to rejoice, to the people who escaped from slavery felt happy as they watch the building shatter into rubble, a building that marked their slavery was burning into ashes.

The marine was still under chaos since the failed execution of Ace d Roger. Now with this new attack, causing even more damage made marines unable make a move, it was too sudden for them.

Alyseia definitely made sure that to fracture heavily the marine, and she got what she wanted.

Several slaves were already free and most marine men and women from the buildings had already escaped quickly, in saving their own dear lifes.

"You all must be curious who I am, a cruel woman burning innocent buildings" She reached out her mask and slowly removed it "it would be my pleasure for the world to see m-"


Power Shutting down...

Process complete...

Unfortunately, before she could reveal her face. The system was overtaken and returned to the Marine. The citizens are shocked the moment, every island lost it's electricity without even seeing her face. Silence filled the air, everyone was too stunned to speak, unable to process the event that was unfolded too quickly to be read.

Within overnight,

She just made Marine and Celestial Dragons their enemy.

"Captain Shanks!" One of his men started to call for their red haired captain "I didn't see the face but I'm sure that was-"

"Alyseia-chan?" Shanks smirked, as he watch the telegram from his personal vision den den, it bewildered him that the signal had reached him all the way there. "That's defenitly her, I'm not surprise she would make two powerful organizations an enemy in a single night."


"The bird finally flew of it's cage," a tall man spoke as he watched the vision den den "a new tide has arrive, a new change will appear..."

"Dragon-san?" A blonde boy with a blue hat asked his leader, curious at his own words "that's Alyseia-chan isn't it?"


"Gurararararara!" A certain pirate laughed, as he watched the event unfold.

"Alyseia was pretty badass back there" Marco whistled in amazement, seeing the girl who planned Ace's escape have lessened their enemy's attention almost by a quarter.

"Gurararararara" Whitebeard seemed to find this amusing, he looked up the sky, his crew was nearby an island.

They all could see the great fire from the distance, as well as the citizens and marine yelling in attempts to stopping the fire.


"It certainly is going to be amusing for a while"

Without ever knowing, three powerful figures watched the girl's little trick. They were certainly entertained when they watched the celestial dragon building was destroyed. It was foolish to destroy something important but then again, maybe it was time for the old generation to leave and let the young ones take over.

The show ended quickly, Marines are immediately searched for the mysterious terrorist, but to no avail, it was hopeless. They didn't have a single clue on what she looked like but their only clue was the purple feather mantle she was wearing.

Alyseia and her group swiftly got away, without any noices or sound being made. She didn't bother removing her cape as it was Rosinante's gift for her. Never in her life thought that she would become a pirate, there she was, bombed prominent building at her first day of piracy.

The three of them have been running for a while now, without taking any breaks at all. Closing by the dock, they arrive safely and was able to quickly sail.

"Admiral Shiroku," Ishki called, despite his strict personality and huge sense of justice, he was a damn loyal friend to Alyseia "where are we off to?"

"Ishki, I'm no longer admiral, you should've know what to call by now" Alyseia corrected, the night breeze passes by, never in her life, she felt the air feel so refreshing "Let's head to Enies Lobby!"

"Seriously Captain?! That's a suicide for us" Dia complained, she knew that Enies Lobby is one of Marine's stronghold. "We don't even have a proper boat and crew, and were heading out for a war already!"

"Relax, I don't think anyone would realize that it was us for a couple of days" Alyseia remover her feather cape and replaced it with their usual Marine uniform, along with the marine boat they smuggled " they were actually stupid enough to shut down the machine before I could do a face reveal. I'm only going there because

I need to pick up my first mate"



Don't forget to :





- Neku -


Alyseia Shiroku (Captain)
Age: 26
Ability user: TBA
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Ishkiwaremoto Yagito (Mom of the crew)
Age: 25
Ability user: TBA
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Diana Sena (Navigator and Sniper)
Age: 24
Ability user: TBA
Wanted N.Name: TBA

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