
2.4K 113 12

Warning: Usage of inappropriate language

Previous chapter:

Two men are no longer slaves

Current Chapter:

It still morning when the Night Raven members were left alone to do their own work; Dia was navigating their next route, Charlotte was meditating at the upper decks and Ishki was dead asleep since he was tired from the watch duty this morning. Chores were done, and there is nothing else to do until lunch. Alyseia was in the observation deck, where everyone decided to make half of the space as her office while half serve for Dia's navigation room.

She was doing a research about the members of the Donquixote family, preparing for any upcoming battle as well as keeping information on other prominent people such as the Admirals and Four emperors. It has only been a day since they attacked certain places in Marine fort and slave buildings, yet it seems nothing bad was happening .

Orion and Aries were sitting down in the upper decks, resting from venturing in the ship. Suddenly, One of the carrier bird flew down in their ship, the animal fainted due to fatigue, as several newspapers scattered in the floor. The two men immediately notified the closest member and took care of the bird.

Unlucky Orion and Aries were unable due to their lack of education, while Charlotte being the closest is blind, and cannot read the words written down. Charlotte decided as a good exercise for the two to give the new paper to her captain, which they nervously agreed.

"Um..." Arriving at the front door, Aries nervously knocked the door. Alyseia opened the door and suggested them to come inside.

The room was big, and there were three doors on opposite side; bathroom, navigation room and balcony. Her office was messy and filled stacks of papers and the shelves were filled with complicated books and notes. The two of them were at awe at the inside of the observation deck.

"So, what can I help you two with?" Alyseia came back to her spot and started writing notes

"We were told to give you these damned papers, woman" Orion aggressively handed the newspaper to Alsyeia "that silver woman told us that it would good for us to interact with you as an exercise."

"Hoh, she's sly as ever. You two were probably got tricked" Alyseia took the newspaper and read the contents, a smirk crept in her face as she was reading the paper. "Anyways, thanks for this. Also alert the rest of the members to never disturb me unless it's an emergency, only Dia and I can enter this place. You may now leave."

The two left quietly, as they were already back from the upper deck. They simply cannot understand that woman's mind as she was kind and the next thing they'll know is that she'll be such a bitch.

"Argh, I don't understand that woman!" Orion yelled, releasing his frustrations to no one "I just don't understand her!"

"Orion, calm down! At least she was nice enough to lend us food and shelter" Aries tried to calm the blonde boy "let's just be grateful that she freed us from slavery"

"I know that, but that bitch doesn't know anything! She's probably been living a luxurious life for all I know!" Orion claimed, his mouth was running loose again.

Before he can speak another word, assuming that he was going to talk terribly about the Raven Captain. A sword was drawn at his neck, threatening to kill him at any second.

"I'm aware that you dislike our captain" Charlotte spoke, her bloodlust was spilling a bit "she probably doesn't care at what you say but I will not tolerate you belittle my captain, and those bull crap out of your mouth. I don't care what you say to me but never belittle my crew or if I catch you doing that when I'm around, you will lose your life. Now are we clear?"

Orion nodded, as he backed away from the sword. He immediately apologized for what he said. Charlotte returned where her sword rests and returned to her usual spot.

Few hours since the small outburst of Charlotte's anger towards the hetechromatic blonde, another bird flew down in their ship. Chirping oh-so loudly, Alyseia immidiately got out of her office, and used the whistle that was hanging from her neck. The bird flew into her arms, as it rested peacefully in her arm.

She took out the contents of what the bird was carrying and read them clearly, it was another message from Dragon. Alyseia's expression darken, as the contents had valuable details that had documented Doflamingo's meeting with one of the four emperors, and the rumors of creating artificial for devil friut was confirm as well.

To sum it up: It was more dangerous than expected.

Alyseia started to mumble unaudioble voice, questions over questions was starting form. Her head started to ache, there were chaotic whispers happening in her head. Whispers turning into screams into screech. Sreams and whispers was loud, but the odd thing was, she's the only one could hear it.

Perhaps it was because she was over thinking a lot thing at once that her Post traumatic stress disorder kicked in, Alyseia was never perfect to begin with. She had PSTD at a young age but Rosinante would always help her recover, it took him few years to fully recover Alyseia's disorder, but came back when Rosinante had died.

She always dealt it alone, not even her crew knows about it. Alyseia didn't want their crew to the disgusting part of her, to keep them in illusion that she was strong, and perfect.

She immediately took few deep breaths, it took her few minutes to recover. There weren't a trace of her disheveled figure, or traces of her disorder.

She was back from perfect.

From being perfect...

And that is the burden of being a leader.....


I realized I fudged up the plot  to the original one, sooooo I decided not to follow it.

Also, I'm sorry for a sloooow romance! But I hope that you guys are enjoying her adventures so far.


Don't forget to :





- Neku -
Crew name: Night Raven

Existing member:

Alyseia Shiroku (Captain)
Age: 26
Ability user: Soundproof
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Ishkiwaremoto Yagito (Mom of the crew)
Age: 25
Ability user: N/A
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Diana Sena (Navigator and Sniper)
Age: 24
Ability user: N/A
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Charlotte Olivier  (tba)
Age: 26
Ability user: Gravity
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Name - ?????
Age: ??
Wanted N. Name: ???

Name - ?????
Age: ??
Wanted N. Name: ???

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