Twenty One

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Previous chapter:

The two headed somewhere to eat.

Current Chapter:

"Looks like you two had fun!"

Koala smirked as she looked at the two captain, Alyseia frowns completely irritated at Law, while the man himself had a neutral expression.

"I don't see the 'fun' where this freaking doctor annoy me every second!" Alyseia complained, as her attention was pointed at Law "Argh, I swear to the seas, I will shove bread in your stupid mouth!"

"Your angry at him but" Koala was still giving that creepy smile "youre still holding his hand!"

Alyseia's face slowly turned turned into fifty shades of pink and red, her eyes wandered at her hand. The revolutionary girl was right!

She was still holding her hand!

Alyseia attempted to retort something, or anything to argue back but there isn't any comebacks she could think off. She unlinked her hand with Law's hand and screamed like a mad woman.

"Argh! I swear to fucking seas! You two are going to be the freaking death of me!" She immidiately retreated back to her quarters, faint yells and complain can be heard from where the two is.

"Is she always like that?" Law leaned on the closest wall and crossed his hand "she looks like she's always on her period, that woman needs to calm down."

"No, she's not" Koala answered Law, scanning at the papers she's holding "I'm surprised to see her different side  within few days"

"What do you mean?" Law's brows furrowed, he felt a bit unpleased " that she's only angry at me only?"

"No, no it's not that she's always angry at you!" Koala waved her hand, attempting to explain her opinion of Alyseia "it's just that she's completely different few years ago, when she came in contact with Dragon-san... she, looked dead"

"Care to elaborate?"

"She looked like a lifeless doll," Koala explained further "Alyseia never expressed her emotions, didn't speak that much unless necessary, and took people's lives without hesitation. I always thought she was somewhat scary when I was still new to the Revolutionary, but it somewhat change My opinion of her because of you!"

"I don't see how terrifying she is, that woman almost died in her last fight" Law contradicted Koala "she's a reckless fool"

"Maybe because emotions got the best of her" Koala argued "she may be experience in battles but her emotions isn't her strength. That's why she's struggling to express her emotions."

There was a silence between the two, agreeing that Alyseia was indeed strong but can be very awkward at most time. Koala still have a smile on her face, as she was trying to pair the two together.

"You have rough seas ahead the two of you" Koala started, as she headed outside to hand some document to a messenger "especially you Law, I can tell you've realize your own feelings but I don't think she hasn't realize it"

Koala left Law to think to himself, the building was somewhat quiet but faint laughter and yelling can be heard if one listens carefully. Law closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and sighed to released all the oxygen he took.

"I already know that..."


Over the past few days, it seems that the two captains had gotten a bit closer. Law made sure that Alyseia was sleeping properly, while Alyseia continued her work. The female captain decided to stay with tue hearts pirate for the time being, as she  wanted to take Law to a special island.

Alyseia made sure that everyone in her crew were well inform about her location as she bid goodbyes to the freed slaves and to Koala.

Today was Alyseia and Law's departure, heading to the Shiharu island. Where it is always spring and bright white flowers bloom everywhere. It's a beautiful island, and it had a small population.

Alyseia still kept revieving threat note from Doflamingo but did not alerted anyone, the two captain and Hearts crew was in their yellow submarine. Going into their third hour of travel.

Introductions was already done, so everyone was doing their own thing. Alyseia at Law's office, lying down at one of his couches with a wet cold towel on her forehead.

"I didn't know you get sea sick?" Law spoke smugly, but still took care of her.

"Go away!" Alyseia grumbled "I'm used to sail above seas not beneath!"

"This is my ship, I can't just leave my crew"

"Ugh, why can't you be nicer?!"

"I am nice, if wasn't I would've thrown you out the moment you puked on me!"

"Argh! Fuck you!"

The two started to bicker back and forth, within those three hours, the crew got used to their small arguements and yelling at one another. His crew didn't mind since she didn't do anything that insulted their captain and they actually was surprise to find someone who could match Law.

Law left the office with a sigh,

'how can a woman like her be so angry all of the time?'

He thought to himself as he could no longer work at his office, leaving the semi- sick Alyseia all alone. The girl had promised to herself that she wouldn't keep any secrets to Law, so the moment they arrive to the island, she would tell her relationship to with Rosinante.

Her thoughts was a bit jumbled up, and took out an old music box. It was impossible to open due to the lost key that Rosinante never returned. She stared at intricate designs of the old music box, and caressed it gently.

"...papa..." Alyseia whispered to herself, a name she wanted to call Rosinante but was never able to.

"I finally have courage to face you"


Don't forget to :





- Neku -

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