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Alyseia irritated Law

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"I am a Captain too Law," Alyseia spoke, as the two of them are having a verbal fight "Don't you dare to tell me that!"

"I'm only saying that you need one for the sake of your crew!" Law was somewhat irritated

"Ugh! Why are you so annoying?!"

"Why are you so stubborn?!"

"I'm not stubborn!"

"Your being a brat!"

"You drive me nuts!"

The two captain of opposite gender glared at each other, understanding that their argument would not go anywhere and it would drag longer. Alsyeia scoffed at the Hearts Captain as she walked away to her female navigator, she looked back one more time to see Law glaring at her. A sigh escaped in Alyseia's mouth and a grin appeared,  fighting over little things and acting like a child was an enjoyable feeling for her.

Alyseia grew up in the harsh reality of life, that she always has her guard up. She enjoys hanging around Strawhats, It made her feel that she was like a child, due to them acting childishly and recklessly, as if it was like a childhood memory she never experienced.

"Dia, I need to discuss somethings with you" Alyseia ordered, knowing that she can't stay any longer. Good things never last.

"How was your talk with the Rosi's boy?" Dia teases her captain "you two seem like to have an lovely conversation"

"Funny. Let's move on." Alyseia gave a disgusted face, she cringed at the thoughts of getting along with him "We have to leave tonight, spread the word to Ishki and don't let others know. Also did you brought the goods I ask?"

"Yeah, It was a bit hard to find some of them but we managed" Dia pointed at their boat, where the materials rested "what's it for anyways?"

"Those were the medicine they provided" Alyseia whispered "the others would be complementary."


Everyone in Zou fast asleep, except for the night people. The strawhats are fast asleep, they were snoring loudly in their own rooms. However, the Ravens were wide-awake. They already requested to the night people to give their gifts to the Strawhats, while some herbs and medical books were for Law and Chopper to pick.

Dia and Ishki are already in the boat, preparing for departure. Alyseia was the only one remaining in the island, sitting at the edge and appreciating the ocean view of what Zou has to offer.

The moon looks bigger than usual, stars were shining brightly. The weather was windy. A perfect time to sail. The Raven crew swiftly left the island without anyone noticing.

Or so they thought...

"Your leaving without saying goodbye?" Law appeared from the shadows of the forest, he walked towards the girl and sat beside her.

"Well, there are somethings that doesn't need goodbyes" the wind dances between them as the moonlight provided a small glow.

There was silence between the two, when Alyseia looks at Law, who was staring at the moon. She took out a bookmark from her pocket, it was her good luck charm but sadly it doesn't belong to her. The object was a small thin clear plastic, sturdy like glass. The bookmark contained a preserve white flower and signiture. It was supposedly Rosinante's gift for him if Law survived his disease, a memory of his beloved home. Alyseia had kept it with her until it was the right time.

And today just happens to be that right time...

"I... I have something for you. A gift from someone special." Alyseia's eyes landed at the bookmark, a faint smile appeared in her face "although that someone special is gone now, I'm sure he'll be happy if you got it"

"Shiro-ya... I don't have any special person" Law answered, his brows furrowed and crossed his arms.

"Oh, but you do Law. I don't think you'd be in Dressrosa or stop Doflamingo if you don't have one" Alyseia smirked, as she took his hand and handed the bookmark to Law. His eyes widened, he was speechless. It contained Rosinante's signature and his home flower. He immediately looked up the girl, questions piling up in his head.

"I bet that you have a lot of questions right now." Alyseia then let his hand go, the warmth slowly fading away "But there are things that needs my attention. But if fate led us... There will another chance for us to talk"

"Alyseia... this is Cora-san's... How'd you-"

"Thank you for taking care of me, and stopping Doflamingo..." Alyseia smile faintly, as the wind dances around her. She stood up from her spot, and spoke few words. She then slid down before Law could stop her.

He let her escape again...

She got away again...

But both of them believed,

That if they meet again

there will be answered questions.

"... I'll  see you around, Law"


Don't forget to :





- Neku -

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