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It's more like a filler-ish, idk you decide.
Previous Chapter:

Alyseia fell asleep on Law's shoulder.

Current Chapter:

"Who are you, mister?"

Five year old girl asks a tall blonde man. The little girl's figure was disheveled, she was covered in grime, dirt and muck that was was glued to her body. Her blue-green eyes lacked with spirit, as if she was just a living corpse.

Rosinante had come across to a ruined island, it's life was completely disintegrated into ashes, due to the after effects of civil war. Rosinante was the first one to put his feet on the beach, while the ship was still docking properly. Buildings was destroyed nothing but empty waste and rubble.

He was assigned to inspect the island and look for survivors, to his luck which he came across Alyseia's skinny figure, sitting down, staring to ocean flow.

"Where's your parents?" Rosinante asks, looking at the girl with pity. The girl stared at him for a good minute and looked back to the ruined town.

"Burned to ashes..." Alyseia responded, she didn't even show a hint emotion in her voice "... so as everyone else."

The horror was unfathomable, Rosinante wasn't there to see it but it must've been terrible to see the people you love and know get burned into pieces.

"I'll ask again, who are you mister?" The girl repeated her question, tilting her head a bit. But it was in a intimidating tone.

"Captain, we didn't foun- oh, we have a survivor!"

A random marine yelled, he was about to take another step when he was stopped by the little girl. She held a stick long enough to set a small but certain distance between them, her makeshift weapon wad pointed toward the poor marine's neck.

"I wouldn't take another step if I were you, mister" The girl spoke lifelessly, her eyes landed at the bomb just beneath the marine, the man slowly backed out as a little girl saved his life within seconds. The girl's attention turned to the blonde captain, unaware of the intimidating aura she was releasing. "who are you, mister?"

"We're here to save survivors, people like you" Rosinante answered, trying to calm the girl.

"That doesn't answer my question..." The little picked up a bomb, and threateningly looked at the poor marine  "Also, there are no survivors here, mister. I'm the only one left and I am not leaving this island"

"We can help you, just come with us!"



"Your 42 days late mister" the little girl mumbled, her face was finally showing an emotion. An unpleasant one too "the world... government... they burned everything... Just because they couldn't get  father..."

"Who's your father?" Rosinante was was successful distracting the little girl as he took the bomb off her hand.

"I... I can't remember..." Her tear flowed, she was trying her best to remember but the only memory she could recall was people burning and screaming for help. Tge trauma was too severe that her brain refuse to remember anything other than her own name and other irrelevant memories "even their faces and voices, I can't remember it. I... I should've burned with them, it's my fault! I should've stopped them, I-!"

The little girl was having a breakdown, her breathing was started to quicken. She realize that she has no one to to rely on, she couldn't help herself but to cry out loud to her hearts content. Within those 42 days, it has been quite difficult for the girl to live all by herself. Food and water was scarce, she didn't had any proper shelter or clothing to change with. Not once she didn't complained, she only  stared at the ocean, to pass time and escape reality. Today just happen to be the same except the marine arrived at the island.

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