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Oh shiet... I almost forgot to update (^^;;)

Previous Chapter:

Alyseia arrived at Baltigo to meet Dragon
Current Chapter :

Fortunately, the two has been talking business related plans and getting information at one another. Alyseia proposed that she will leave her crew for a solo mission, to extract the information Dragon need at Punk Hazard, in exchange that he will train the two men while her crew would still continue their attacks.

Her crew was already aware of her proposal, their were arguments created at first but Alyseia eventually got them to agree. A crew without a captain was not a good sign but Alyseia doesn't have a choice as she didn't want to involve them at her selfish quest. It wss far too dangerous for them to handle.

"Is that all?" Dragon asked, feeling unsure about her venture.

"Yep, I will leave tomorrow night" Alyseia answered casually, repeating her plans "and I need someone to send me there, I don't want anyone to notice that I am going  there  alone"

"I understand, I will let one of my few crew take you there" Dragon nodded "it will be a one way trip, you'll be on on your own the moment you stepped on that island"

Alyseia nodded and left the office, she immediately started packing and finished within two hours. She took out her vivre card and tore it apart, as each member get a piece. Once her tasks was done, she simply relaxed and be lazy until her next departure.

Everyone was relaxing as well in the ship, enjoying their peaceful days as much as possible. Except for the two men who were training to get strong.

Hours passed by quickly, everyone was having dinner. The two men were obvious dead tired at the training regime they had recieved but did not utter a single complaint, tired yet grateful.

Weather was freezing, and everything was almost filled with ice. Alyseia was wearing a thick winter jacket as she carried a small bag with her, it took her a good week to arrive at Punk Hazard.

Heading towards Caesar's research institution, she gave out a grateful smile to the Revolutionary member and bid goodbye. Infiltrating the building was quite easier than expected, as she took one of the costume protectors and used her devil fruit ability. She immediately scouted the building, planning her potential escapes. While scouting the place, there were a sudden earthquake.

Then a huge commotion happened, it seems like the Strawhats were here as well. Causing another ruckus, Alyseia smirked she had the most perfect timing. She immediately went to the laboratory, grabbing all of the documents and notebooks. Then head to the office to grab all important informations.

On the process of stealing documents, she was quite successful. She was about to make her escape when she saw Vergo. Her emotion started to boil into anger, he was one of the reasons why she quit, because he was part of Donquixote family. There was a traitor in Marine. She wanted to murder him but refrained herself.

On her way out, she bumped into one person she thought she'll never see again. Everyone put their guard up due to my strange presence.

"Nico Robin?" Alyseia turned off her ability long time ago and called out her name.

"That voice," Robin was a bit surprised, but she knew it from everywhere "Alyseia? Is that you?!"

"Uh, um yeah!" Alyseia was a bit unsure whether she should reveal or involve herself with the Strawhats crew, but still answered "It's been a while!"

While removing my mask, they let their guard down as Robin hugged me tightly.

"If you're here that means your doing a mission from him, aren't you?" She whispered to my ears, Alyseia nodded and she smiled.

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