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Prologue : The Beginning.
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Current Chapter :

The war took longer than expected, but in the end, it was the navy's greatest humiliation as they failed to execute the infamous Whitebeard's commander and Gold D. Roger's son. Several prisoners was on the loose as well.

Every headquarters are on chaos as officers ran back and forth, commanders yelling every half an hour due to the pressure given to them, while the higher ups do their best to untangle the chaotic chains little by little.

Alyseia, remained silent as she was one of the main reason of the navy's downfall. Despite of her injuries, she went missing for a couple of months only to return with worth a third of Impel down 's notorious escapees which she was awarded for her heroic actions.

There was also a rumor regarding about Law bringing quite a few number of pirates in Impel down to become part of the Seven warriors of the sea. Unfortunately, Alyseia didn't look any further as she could care less what the man did as long as he's alive.

The female Rear Admiral was summoned to Sengoku's office, to discuss some official matters and other plans. Alyseia knocked, in which he was greeted by Sengoku along with his stack of paperworks.

"Alyseia, come have a sit!" Sengoku said lovingly like she was a family.

"Why did you call me for?" Alyseia spoke in a unamused tone, her brows furrowed "I don't have time for useless chatter..."

"I'm here to chat with my cute grand-daughter" Sengoku answered

"And the last time we had a chat Rosa-san is dead" She spoke bitterly as she turned around and headed towards the exit.

"And I'm aware about your last journey involved you talking to Whitebeard, An notorious criminal who humiliated the navy!" Sengoku spoke, and with hint of threat was present "you know, if this information leaked, you could become one of 'the problem children'!"

"You tailed me?" Alyseia stiffened as her frustration was turned into a confused anger, she felt absolutely annoyed "how could you?!"

"It was for your own good! Now, Sit down Alyseia or do you want me to order you to sit using my authority?" Sengoku remained calm, but his tone was threatening. Alyseia sat down unwillingly as she glares at the man in front of her "I won't leak this information however, I will be moving you under Admiral Kuzan Aokiji's station and stay there until everything calms down."

"So your demoting me?" She huffs, completely frustrated. She slammed Sengoku's table, leaving it into several broken pieces of wood.

"I'm not." Sengoku spoke as he was miserably failing to calm the girl "but you need to understand that you have been under suspicion under the council's judgement, this is for you're own good, so I want you to lay low for now until everything calms down"

"...Fine." Alyseia removed her hands at the broke desk as her hands clenched tightly, close to bleeding.

Without another word spoken, Alyseia left the room with full of tension. Sengoku sighed in relief, she took the information more better than he expected. He thought that she would go on a rampage and would destroy half of his office, perhaps more.

Only if he knew what was coming for him...

Never in his life he felt so nervous to see her so calm like this, ever since Rosinante's death, Alyseia never smiled innocently only filled with taunts, and sarcasm. He watched her grow up, as the navy turned her into a killing machine at a young age, he watch her turned into an emotionless monster and a murderer. Although she is absolutely lazy, and emotionally unstable due to killing almost half of her emotions at a young age she became afraid of letting people in her heart. And the worst part is,

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