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Previous chapter:

Alyseia sent her last regards to Garp.

Current Chapter:

Walking outside of the Marine Fort, Alyseia looked at the sun, it was a bit too early for lunch but too late for breakfast. She decided to walk around the town in hopes of finding a shipwright, but with every step, irritation grows in her mind.

"If your going to follow me can you at least do it right!" Alyseia finally snapped, the moment she stepped outside the building, she already heard the sound of footsteps following her despite there were hundreds of noises being made.

"Oh, someone woke up in the wrong side of the bed, Shiro-ya" the one and only Law showed himself, almost teasing her "I thought I hid myself quite well."

"You did. But you just followed the wrong person" Alyseia grumbled "did you really think you would be able to follow me without getting caught? If I still work for the Marine you'd be in chains right now"

"But not anymore, you quit" Law had a smug smile planted on his lips, making the former rear Admiral more irritated.

"What do you want?" Alyseia asked, wanting to stay away from this man as soon as possible. As she crossed her arms, staring at the tall man.

"I want information, no documents regarding about -" Law spoke his wants, thinking that he could dominate her.

"Dressrosa? or Doflamingo's movement?" Alyseia smirked, as Law's smile slowly faded. His face was bewildered on how she could guess such a thing "ah, but you need to choose wisely. People kill to get Information, your lucky I'm not taxing you for the information you need, you just need to choose one."

Alyseia felt triumphed, that she completely turned the table around. She was always ahead of her game, not once did she started to crumble apart when faced with a difficult situation.

She simply knows more than Law.

That was always the plan, she does not have any intention of telling Law her relationship with Rosinante, or how Law took him away from her. She never wanted to meet him or interfere in his life as she was only there to protect him at set of distance.

"So?" Alyseia stared at Law's onyx eyes, curious on how he would respond "Which one you want? I'm a bit busy myself, I'd say treat me for lunch and I might tell you a bit more of the information of your choice. That includes you not running and paying for my meals. What do you say?"

"You got yourself a deal" at this point, Law was irritated. He never liked it when he was being ordered around, not especially from a stranger he just met yesterday. But he had to throw his pride to get all the info he need and Alyseia might be his last resort.

He needed someone who could trade information with and she was the best shot he got.

Two lovely figure sat at a pub, eating lunch, minding their own business. People were screaming and started yelling in the afternoon, some were already drunk. Despite of chaos around, two of them were able to eat in peace.

"Have you decided?" Alyseia munched away her lunch, looking at Law.

"Doflamingo's movements" He whispered, Alyseia hummed and nodded.

"So you want to know about that cunning pink bird" She finished her lunch and ordered a dessert as her final meal for lunch "I think that you should be careful facing him, he's quite sly and has eyes everywhere. Before I start, What do you know about Doffy? I bet you don't want to hear same details you have that I'm about to say"

"All I know is that he is ruthless, King of Dressrosa, a former celestial dragon and Part of Seven Warlords" Law spoke of the information of what he knows "He also murder his own blood, That's all I know"

"Congratulations! You know basic information about Doffy!" There was silence between the two but Alyseia clapped sarcastically at Law's information gathering, which made Law aggravated at this woman but hid it quite well "what about his movements?"

Alyseia's question was greeted by silence, no response at the tall male. She now learned that Trafalgar Law is terrible at gathering information and only gets them is through brute force and cruelty.

"So you want to know that" Her dessert arrived, she took the proper utensils to eat her delicate dessert amd started to eat "what I know is that Doflamingo has been meeting with one of the four emperors in different time and locations."

"Meeting? For what purpose was that?" Law furrowed his brows, interested at what the girl has to say.

"You know, smuggling weaponry, booze, and information" Alyseia answered, finishing her dessert "there has been rumors of him creating artificial devil fruit but that hasn't been confirmed yet. Actually, Doflamingo is having a meeting with one of the four emperors right now at snowy island, exchanging who-knows-what it is."

"Wait, which four emperors is he meeting with, Shiro-ya?" Law asked, wanting to know more.

Alyseia giggled at the man at his complete obvious hunger for information, he was desprate but Alyseia have no intention of baby sitting him. It was just a friendly greeting, as they were the two people left who cared for Rosinante.

"Our only deal was that I talk about Doffy's movement, not who is he affiliated with" Alyseia stood up, as she already finished her lunch "you should do more research on your opponent, Mr. surgeon of Death."

The girl made her way to the entrance, as the once loud chaotic pub was no longer present. Alyseia's figure alone made many pirates tremble in fear.

"Oh, if you actually made your research right.

We might just meet at Punk Hazard or Zou"


Don't forget to :





- Neku -
Crew name: ????(TBA)

Existing member:

Alyseia Shiroku (Captain)
Age: 26
Ability user: Soundproof
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Ishkiwaremoto Yagito (Mom of the crew)
Age: 25
Ability user: N/A
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Diana Sena (Navigator and Sniper)
Age: 24
Ability user: N/A
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Charlotte Olivier  (tba)
Age: 26
Ability user: TBA
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Name - ?????
Age: ??
Wanted N. Name: ???

Name - ?????
Age: ??
Wanted N. Name: ???

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