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Previous chapter:

Alyseia was strangled by Doflamingo.

Current Chapter:

Beep.. beep..

A sound of the cardiac monitor has been steadily beeping, indicating that the wearer' has a steady heartbeat. A black hair girl rested in the make-shift  bed, she was still alive. Everything in Dressrosa was still chaotic, but nevertheless free from monarchy.

Everyone are currently in the Strawhat's ship, partying at their own success. They were in the dining hall as Law stayed in the infirmary.

Luffy and Law managed to defeat Doflamingo but in the verge of losing Alyseia. Law was still monitoring the girl's unconscious body, he couldn't help to wonder what did Doflamingo do to extract her revenge at him.

"Law, I'll watch over her" Chopper entered the infirmary, worried about the tall man's mental state "go rest for now"

Law nodded as he walked outside of the infirmary, he wondered why he had saved her. He doesn't particularly know her but he felt half of him would never forgive himself if she were to die. Law had few suspicion about Alyseia, he has a lot of questions to ask her. She was always mysterious, she may have a lot of sass but information about herself seems to be like a classified information.


Doflamingo smiled triamphly, as he was going to kill another person. A person who knew his foolish little brother, to his delight he could've  torment her more but he'll be a nice guy by offering her a quick death.


Law snapped his fingers as Alyseia was replaced by a rubble of rock and the girl had move next to Law. He checked for her pulse as it was barely beating, Law sighed in relief as he gently put Alyseia somewhere safe and continued battling with Doflamingo until he was defeated.

"That girl, who would've thought that he took care a monster" Doflamingo laughed ominously, his consciousness fading "if I only knew she had a connection with him, I would've  kidnapped her and took her in as my successor"

"What are you talking about?" Laws brows furrowed as he was only answered by Doflamingo's laughter.

"It's not that hard to put puzzle pieces together, Law" that was Doflamingo's last words before passing out.

The Strawhats then left for their next destination, as it was dangerous for them to stay. It was now about a week, Alyseia was still unconscious.


Two weeks have passed, the Strawhats was nearing in Zou. The crew rejoiced as it was just going to take another day before they could arrive.


A loud raven landed on their ship, as it flew to the infirmary and rested where Alyseia was. The crew was curious about the Raven but only to be aggressively greeted by it. Everyone decided to let it go for now and continued to party.

Midnight struck, everyone was asleep when Alyseia finally woke up. She tried to scream Rosinante's name but couldn't produce a single noise due to her vocal cord injury, every part of her muscle ached. She immidiately used her ability so that the sleeping reindeer? Wouldn't wake up, her legs was wobbly but she managed to move by the desk where a pen and paper lies. She immediately wrote her reports to Dragon and the other one was for her crew to pick her up, the bird flew to where she was and rested at her shoulder.

Alyseia used her weapon as a support to somewhat managed to go to the upper decks. The raven who was carrying a letter from Dragon has been replaced by her own reports, and watched the bird fly.

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