Twenty Two

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Previous chapter:

Alyseia and Heart's crew are headed at ShiHaru Island.

Current Chapter:

It took their crew about two weeks to travel, it was a bit longer than usual due to the storm and stopovers they had. The hearts crew was filled with amazement as the moment they got out they were all greeted by the perfect temperature for spring, and blooming white flowers was everywhere. The crew slowly scattered around as Law had gave them several orders, everyone was loud and carefree, Alyseia on the other hand was opposite of them.

She has been oddly quiet for the past two days, the hearts crew was a bit baffled at her sudden quietness. Usually, Alyseia would be yelling and bicker, due to their constant quarelling with Law but it immidiately died the moment she learned they were closing in the island. Law's crew was a bit worried about the female Raven, as himself Law even tries to tease and annoy her but Alyseia only avoided him like a plague.

Alyseia is currently on daze at the sea, a habit she created to distract herself from realty since she was a kid. She wore the feather cape to keep her self warm, and unconsciously took a grip on it.

"Shiro-ya why did you want to take us here?" Law asked the girl, a bit hesitant.

"Law, I... I want to show you something" Alyseia turned her gaze to look at Law, her tone was serious and sincere that Law did not object as he simply nodded.

"Follow me..." there was a faint smile on her face, leading Law to an unkown location "... you must've notice that my relationship with Rosinante was more than Commander and Subordinates"

"Yes, but it seems like it was a topic you'd avoid." Law followed her, unsure where she was leading him "so I decided not to press on something that you may dislike"

"I'm greatful for not questioning me" Alyseia was ahead, they were walking up a steep hill just the outskirts of the island "but it's not fair for you to be in the dark. To tell you the truth, I honestly despised your existence, you took away someone precious to me"

Law was a bit shocked to hear those words coming out her mouth, she hated his existence. Law kept quiet, he wanted to see what expression she was making right now but he didn't had a courage to do that.

"Rosinante was a fatherly figure for me. He saved me when I was a kid and raised me up. Our relationship was more like a parent-child" Alyseia's voice was still calm, revealing information to Law casually "so when I heard that he had died to save you I hated your existence. I thought that 'If it wasn't for you he'd be alive!' That was my mentality back then, I always blamed you for his death"

By now the two figure arrived at the top of the hill, the view was beautiful and utmostly breath taking. Going up there was certainly not easy but it was worth it. Alyseia moved away just a bit for Law to see everything and the one he noticed was a white cross lies just above the cliff, it was someone's grave. Everything clicked in the moment Law inspected the cross.

Donquixote Rosinante.

For those who I love shall remember me with a smile.

Law's eyes widened, he always thought that he never had a proper burial but here he rests. Along with white flowers that grows along his grave.

"I...hate you Law" Alyseia spoke with menace, she turned to face Law with her crying face "you took him away from me, you killed him!"

"Alyseia... I..."

Law was left speechless, he didn't argue back as everything she said was true, he was the main cause for Rosinante's death.

"... I hate you" Alyseia took a deep breath, calming herself down "But I didn't see the point of hating someone who Rosinante desperately tried to save. He was too kind for his own good"

Alyseia bit her lips, her tears kept flowing despite the fact she was trying to stop her crying. She wipes her tears, and Law wasn't able to stand there and do nothing, so he walked towards her.

"I... hated you, or so thought I did" she repeated, at this point Law embrace her. In attempt to calm her "but that was all in the past, I'm not sure why but there is something about you that attracts me"

Alyseia returned his embrace, not wanting for Law to see her embarrassing state. Her nose and cheeks was red, and her eyes started to swell.

"I know that I am not an expert at dealing with my emotions" Alyseia gulped, she had revealed everything to Law except her childhood "you don't have to take responsibility for my silly feelings. I don't know what to do if I kept this hidden"

There was silence between the two, only soft gusts can be heard. Two figures are hugging each other, as Law was trying to comfort the girl.

"It seems that I came to like you, Law"


I am here to announce that this fanfic has come to an end,



Don't forget to :





- Neku -

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