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Previous chapter:

Night Raven crew have successfully bombed specific slave buildings and marine's armories.
Current Chapter:

Morning sun slowly rises, Everyone was dead asleep except for Ishki who is currently on watch while preparing breakfast. Last night, everyone came up a name for their new ship. They name it "Ray" short term for Raven. The Raven crew was starting to wake up, even Orion Hunter and the other mysterious man.

It was breakfast time when Alyseia woke up and ordered one of the crew  to check up on the two wounded slaves and take them for breakfast. Dia and Ishki took the two men and lead them to the dining room, once they arrived, Orion was glaring at Alyseia and the other man stood quietly at the corner.

"You know, food won't magically come into your mouth if you just stand there" Charlotte stated, as she could feel the presence of the two that were standing quietly "we didn't prepare extra two plates for nothing"

"You mean, you want us to eat with you? At the same table?" Orion seemed a bit skeptical, that these stranger mended them and now they're giving them food? There's no way that they're giving them free food for a free cost.

"Yeah! Ishki made two extra plates just for you two!" Dia was happily munching her own breakfast, stuffing as much food as possible in her mouth.

"It was Captain's order after all" Ishki yawned, tired from a sleepless night. The hesitantly sat down, they started eating cautiously first but the two  of them didn't sensed any ill intention and started tasting the food. They quickly gobbling them up, they probably wasn't fed properly and ran away.

Alyseia was quietly eating her food, not minding about the other people's manners on the dining room. She noticed a slavery collar the two was wearing, it made her a bit worried about the two but showed no concern on the outside.

"There must be a some kind of exchange with the food, right?" Orion spoke, still eating while the other one kept quiet.

"So the boy has a brain after all" Alyseia spoke, still eating while the rest of the crew didn't say anything "I will tell you what you two need to do in the upper decks. But first, Ishki would lead you to the shower room to clean yourselves and he will provide you two a new fresh clothes. Once that's done, your done for the day Ishki"

Poor Ishki who was ordered another task since he was the only man who could take care of the other two at the moment. While the two was cleaning themselves, Alyseia went to the upper deck, staring out the distance, specifically at the blue ocean, her thoughts wes kept a mystery for everyone.

"Charlotte," Alyseia called the meditating girl, where she sat peacefully.

"Yes captain?" She responded, keeping her medication position.

"I need your assistance," Alyseia's eyes never left the ocean "I was planning to remove their collars and I may need your ability to make them as light as possible."

"I see, anything to help you captain!" Charlotte agreed, her thoughts wondered of what their captain was thinking.

It took at least half an hour for the two men to finish cleaning themselves and dressed like a normal citizen, except for the collar that distinguishes them from being a normal person to a slave. As they've been told to do, they came to the upper decks, except Alyseia dashed towards the two of them at a quick pace.

The two man closed their eyes, she was too quick for the two to be able to defend themselves. Their breath hitched for a moment, waiting for the impact to come.

Yet nothing  came...

They slowly opened their eyes to see the raven haired girl was holding two objects, their slave collars to be exact hanging casually on her hands. Alyseia gave signal to use Charlotte's ability,

Juryo- Juryo no mi

The ability to control gravity, Charlotte's touched the object and the materials suddenly became light. Alyseia threw the object and within seconds, the collar exploded far from a distance in the air. She watched the collar incinerate to pieces, without the two boy's slave collar. They could finally live freely, they felt huge burden was set free as they watched pieces of metal fall into the ocean.

"Now that's done, let's get to business shall we?" Alyseia dusted her hands as she turned to face two men who were shockingly overwhelm "before I start what's your name?"

She pointed out at the quiet brown haired man, his eyes was bright blue like the sky. His figure was pale and skinny but that was only due to the lack of food given to him.

"M6IQ" he spoke gingerly.

"You don't have a name?" Alyseia tilted her head, as the man hid behind  Orion. "Then your Aries Hunter, that way it'll make you two seem like siblings, of course unless you want a name of your choice. I wouldn't mind that as well."

"Aries... I like the name" he smiled softly, his personality was 180 degrees opposite to Orion. Orion was loud and aggressive while Aries was quiet and submissive

"Great, then you two will have take those two guest rooms for now. I expect you two to be on watch for any coming ships and help out clean the ship with the rest of the crew" the Raven captain told the two, as they intently listened "there will be at least  three meals a day but you all have to work for like everyone so help anyone out. You two are free to roam the ship and free to use any facilities you want but do not steal, damage or do anything that will affect negatively. Is that clear?"

"That's it?!" Orion was surprised, her rules were utmostly lenient. He expected her to have more rules and chores for them.

"I'm not that cruel, boy" Alyseia still called Orion a boy due to his childish behavior and deductions "there is no need for me to order you like a slaves, you two are no longer part of slavery. After all, we will be dropping you two at the next island where the two of you could live normally."

"You mean, your letting us go?!" Oliver shouted asking, surpise at the fact they're actually being treated like a normal person "just like that?!?"

"Yeah, is there a problem?" Alyseia tilted her head a bit "I also don't need two extra bodies who are useless to me"

"No, No! There isn't any problem" Aries shook his head "it's just, um, Thank you very much for your kindness!"

The two men never felt so relief amd happy in their whole life, being treated like a human being and the chance of to be able to live a normal life.

It was glorious moment for the two of them...

They were no longer slaves....


Don't forget to :





- Neku -
Crew name: Night Raven

Existing member:

Alyseia Shiroku (Captain)
Age: 26
Ability user: Soundproof
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Ishkiwaremoto Yagito (Mom of the crew)
Age: 25
Ability user: N/A
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Diana Sena (Navigator and Sniper)
Age: 24
Ability user: N/A
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Charlotte Olivier  (tba)
Age: 26
Ability user: Gravity
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Name - ?????
Age: ??
Wanted N. Name: ???

Name - ?????
Age: ??
Wanted N. Name: ???

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