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Previous chapter:

Alyseia Shiroku crossed path with Trafalgar Law.

Current Chapter:

Morning in Water Seven was bustling, everyone talking and laughing. Everyone seem jolly and nothing as if there was nothing to disrupt their peaceful morning. No one was able to notice, that two powerful figures have crossed path.

"Trafalgar..." Alyseia spoke, lost for words "... Law"

She wasn't prepared to meet him yet, she at least hoped that they would meet somewhere at Dressrosa but it proved her wrong. She wasn't scared of him like other civilian but more stunned.

"Alyseia Shiroku" Trafalgar Law spoke with venom, cutting Alyseia's thoughts "rear-admiral and a monster raised by the Marine"

"Former." She corrected, realizing that he doesn't know her relations with Rosinante "I lost interest at Marine, so as capturing pirates."

"Hoh, I don't think they would let you go that easily" Trafalgar sneered, amused at the news he's receiving "especially young someone like you"

"It's not like they let me go" Alyseia was somewhat attracted at the sexy stranger, and started walking away "I simply wanted my freedom, so I took it by force. Anyways, pardon for taking your precious time, I should go."

"Wait!" Law offered, easily catching up to Alyseia rather quickly "how about I walked with you until you arrived at your destination?"

"No, thank you..." Alyseia flatly rejected him "I don't think it's time for us hang around, you must be busy being part of Seven Warlords."

"Hmm..." Law hummed in amusement, entertained at the former rear Admiral "well, you surely took my interest. But since you're right, I shall leave you...  for now..."

The two parted ways, heading towards their own destination. Alyseia was completely surprised that she met Law in person, not expecting that she would meet him at Water Seven.

"We'll probably meet again if fate has called us" Alyseia whispers to herself, as she walks forward without taking a  glimpse at the back

"I wonder how are we going to react by then"


Alyseia arrived at Tom's house, at first she was greeted with unwelcome look. She wasn't bothered by their stare and kept a bored look on her face, Alyseia explain that Rosinante had left her a ship.

"Who is going to sail the ship?" Tom asked, once Alyseia finished her explanation.

"Its the bird who escaped from it's cage" Alyseia answered.

"How did the bird escape?"

"By... the one who already experienced freedom and he unlocked the door of the bird's cage..."

Tom's unwelcome look was already gone, he gave out a heart warming smile and hugged Alyseia. The conversation between the two was a secret message that only Alysiea and Rosinante made. Tom informed Alyseia that a lot of people has been trying to steal the ship but failed as Tom only knew where it was and failed to get it as no one knew the secret message.

The two of them walked up until the heart of Water Seven, filled with Maze and patterns. The ship huge, coated with black and navy blue and almost shape like a crow. Alyseia's eyes widened at the the size of the boat, it was ginormous. Enough to fill at least 50 people.

"The upper decks have kitchen, bar, bathroom sick bay/ infirmary and dining hall. If you walked up the stairs, it'll lead you to the observation deck." Tom showed  the upper deck of the ship

"The third basement floor consist of the ship's mechanics, and a mini-submarine and motor boat" Alyseia's jaws were still down as how big the ship was "second basement has a training room, a bathroom, and three large empty room. And first floor has six master bedroom and two regular room. Oh! There are 12 cannons on each side, 6 each sides."

"Isn't this a bit too big?" Alyseia was absolutely stunned at Rosinante's ship "I don't deserve to have something beautiful as this."

"Rosinante wanted the best for you" Tom gently patted the raven haired girl "he knew that someday, you will travel the world as a free woman and when you do, he wanted for you to be prepared."

"I... May I have some alone time?" Alyseia asked, a bit stunned at the situation "it's a bit overwhelming for me at the moment"

"Of course." Tom understood the situation, he was proud of the boat he made but he surely knows how his adopted father, gave her an irreplaceable gift "take your time."

Tom left the ship, leaving Alyseia on her own thoughts. She followed the trail of the fence, each step made an loud echo. The ship was in good condition, it was a bit dusty but it was fixable.

All those years, she tried to resent Rosinante, for not being able to take care of her. She tried to resent Law for taking Rosi away from her, but at the end of the day, she wasn't able to. Rosinante was too kind for his own good, she was aware that Law was being treated indifferently at that time, and Rosi wanted that child to be happy.

"You're a reckless fool, Rosi-tou chan"

Her voice voice was trembling, memories of Rosinante came back to her. Tears started to fall, and for the first time in decades. Alyseia's cried to her hearts content, she felt that she was still love by Rosinante despite he was dead and he was always thinking ahead of time.

"Thank you, Rosinante...I'm going to treasure this ship"


I hope that you guys are enjoying my new fanfic!

I was thinking of updating once a day on weekends soo thats on chapter for sat and sun since it's impossible to publish on weekdays



Don't forget to :





- Neku -

Crew name: ????(TBA)

Existing member:

Alyseia Shiroku (Captain)
Age: 26
Ability user: Soundproof
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Ishkiwaremoto Yagito (Mom of the crew)
Age: 25
Ability user: N/A
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Diana Sena (Navigator and Sniper)
Age: 24
Ability user: N/A
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Charlotte Olivier  (tba)
Age: 26
Ability user: TBA
Wanted N.Name: TBA

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