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Previous chapter:

Alyseia left the hotel.

Current Chapter:

"What the Fucking hell!"

Alyseia cursed, all she wanted right now was to be alone with her own thoughts. But sadly, everywhere she went, Law was there.

"It's not nice for a lady to cuss" Law lectured her, but Alyseia could care less what he had to say.

From the library, to marketplace, and even to pubs, Law was there. The pissed captain had enough and just had to confront Law. Right now, Alyseia is taking a nice stroll at the Market.

"What do you want from me!?" Alyseia snapped at the hearts Captain "I already told you there's nothing I could offer that will benefit you!"

"I never said about taking away anything away from you" Law smirked, putting his hand in the air as if he was guilty "But I want thing that may benefit both of us"

"What is it?" Her attention perked up a bit, interested at what he had to offer.



"You hurt my pride a bit" Law faked hurt, he raised his brow and looks absolutely amused "That was a quick rejection."

"You don't know who your involving with, Law. Why do you think my bounty was higher than your group within less than 3 months?" Alysiea crossed her arms as she continued walking around Wano Kingdom.

"Because your a former navy's monster, bombed a lot of World Government's building and you practically insulted the Royal Family" Law answered, as if he knows everything.

"Yes, but that's only part of it" Alyseia spoke, a small ornament caught her  attention "but I have good relationship half of the four emperors, Dragon has my support and I am part of the underworld."

The underworld.

No one really understand how the underworld works, but one thing everyone knows for sure. Once you go in, you can never go back. Law's eyes widened, as Alyseia just simply revealed such a valuable information like a candy.

"How do you think Aokiji become part of the underworld?"

"That's because he knew you were part of it and joined?"

"Yes, and there are a lot of secrets I hold that they fear I might reveal."

"Secrets? What secrets? "

"Like the blank history, actual history of  'D.' Family or something like that" Alyseia spoke casually, as everything she spoke wasn't a heavy topic "if they learned that you are associated to me they're going to cut your head off sooner than you expected."

"Okay, so if I said I don't care about all that crap" Law smirked, his hand sneaked in her waist and pulled her closer "would you still make an Alliance with me?"

"Your being touchy for a while now.." Alyseia grunted, smacking Law's hand off from her waist.

"That doesn't answer my question" Law took the opportunity to take her hand and pulled her closer to him. His arms trapping the female Raven captain from hos hug.



"I'll think about it!" Alyseia pushes the tall Hearts captain away from his hug but to miserably fail.

"Still doesn't answer my question" He pulled her closer, enjoying her warmth in his arms.

"I REFUSE! NO!" Alyseia screamed, the citizens didn't even bother to help her due to the mentality of it was just a typical pirate couple's quarrel.

"I don't take 'no' for an answer" Law smirked, he noticed how her face was pretty angry but her ears was completely red, an adorable feature Law discovery today.

Alyseia grew up as a navy soldier, where skinship was a bad thing and she only touched a man when fighting. She never had the time be a normal teenager and experience love or let alone learn about love.

She was obviously flustered, in all her life she was not used to skinship with with other people, especially with opposite gender. Her face was litterally buried in Law's chest, where she could smell a faint scent of  fresh grass and mint.

His scent was intoxicating for her, each second passes she looses her rationality, and all she could  think of was to get away from him.

Law would make Alyseia weak on her knees, her rationality would disappear if he was around, and she felt like she was able to express her emotions around him. If only he knows what he's doing to her.

Alysiea was always ahead of her plans, to her, everything must be perfect. But when Law's around, oyah oyah, everything will be haywire. Like  how he is slowly but steadily pulling her red string carefully and forcing it to bind together.

"Okay, okay, Fine! I'll agree to your stupid alliance!" Alyseia yelled, both her ears and face was completely red.

The moment she agreed Law released her, as a triumph smile planted on his face. The warmth was slowly fading away

"See, was that so hard?"

"Ugh, you Asshole!"

On her way back to Koala's location, the revolutionary girl was glad to see Alyseia back. Then a cunning smile appeared on Koala's face the moment she saw Law beside her. Alyseia was obviously pouting at the new found alliance that she was forced to agree to, while Law simply followed her with his usual face but an aura of triumph was present.

"Oh my, looks like we have another guest" Koala spoke, "It's a bit unfortunate that we don't have enough room for one more, I suggest that you two should share since your room was slightly bigger than everyone else!"

"Wait, why?!" Alyseia protested, her brows furrowed "He's defenitely not staying! Besides, he has a hotel stay to in!"

"Checked out already" Law interjected, which made Alyseia flinched "besides, I let you rest in my hotel diring your nice nap and this is how you repay me? you won't let me stay at yours? How cruel of you"

"Ughh!" At this point, she didn't find anything to argue, and gave up with a sigh "fine, we'll share a room! I'm going to shower first so you two do whatever you want!"

"That would be my pleasure" Law smirked, stating his intention clearly.

He. Will. Do. Whatever. The. Fuck. He. Wants.



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- Neku -

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