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Previous chapter:

Alyseia's crew has departed Enies lobby.

Current Chapter:

The course towards Water Seven has been going smoother than expected, three woman and man are currently resting at their own comfortable spot.

"Hey captain!" Dia called, due to boredom a sudden curiosity came in her mind "are you still looking for members?"

"Yes, I am actually. Four people is too boring" Alyseia was leaning at the mast, still reading few documents "I'm going to look for a ship wright and musician"

"Why not a doctor or a chef?" Ishki butted in their conversation "they're quite useful and every pirate crew has one."

"I could, but everyone here already knows mediocre first-aid" Alysiea answered their only male member "besides, I think it's boring without an entertainer around and we need someone who could fix and take care of the ship"

"And we don't need a cook since Ishki's cooked food are fabulous!" Dia added "I think we're kind of balance"

"I agree, Two devil-user and two non-user" the silver haired member spoke with diligence "in case one of us fell in the ocean by accident, one of you two could just save us."

The four of them started talking and about the most random discussion to talk about from politics to food to raging cat. Everyone was already strengthening their bonds without realizing it.

Night rises and everyone was asleep, exept for Dia, who was still keeping track of their course. Alyseia had finished reading all of the documents she took, she took out a couple of blank pages and wrote a summary report about what she read. It took her at least few hours to finish, as she folded the papers and put them on a container.

She took out a whistle decorated necklace, and wore the accessory. She put the whistle on her mouth and started to blow, the sound was unaudible, no human could ever hear it exept for a messenger bird, mostly specialized by the revolutionary. It took at least half-an-hour when a bird came by out of nowhere, Alyseia made the bird rest for a couple of minutes and gave it food while she tied the letter at birds feet.

"Take good care, little bird" Alyseia petted the animal as it flew out in the distance, free and bold.

"You always enjoyed watching birds" Alyseia was a bit surprise at Dia's sudden appearance "what's a bird doing here? In the middle of nowhere"

"I needed to send a message from Dragon, it's like give and take, I take information he needs from the enemy, He gives the one I want. Like capturing pirates" Dia's eyes widened, she always wondered how she got information on the notorious pirates who were on the loose.

"I have a lot of connections with the pirates than the Marine" Alyseia spoke, it was breezy night, yet she enjoyed times like these "you probably know that my hands aren't cleanest, its always been tainted by red. But meeting most pirates kept my sanity"

Dia listened at her own captain's small rumble, she wasn't annoyed since her captain barely open up to a lot of people, she felt lucky that Alyseia was opening up to her.

"I sometimes think that Pirates aren't the one who are monsters, but the Marines are" Alyseia let Dia have a glimpse of her thoughts "but who am I to judge, different people have their own reasons and opinions... Anyways, it's late, I am going to bed. Ishki is going on the look out in few hours. Goodnight Dia"

"Goodnight Captain" Dia spoke, her mind was still buzzing at Alyseia's opinion "also, I don't think anyone are monsters. The actions they decide are up to them, sometimes monsters aren't always the bad guys!"

"I see, I didn't think of that way too" Alyseia was walking back to her temporary quarters "I guess your opinion isn't bad as well."


Over the past few days, Alyseia's group are closing in Water Seven. A newspaper dropped in their ship, and Ishki was able caught it.

"Hoh, Strawhats seem to declare a war with the marine, no news of terrorist attackers, and ooh! They've finally announced our resignation" He said out loud "and it seems that the Rosinante's boy joined Alliance with the Strawhats"

"Hmm..." Alyseia hummed, ever since Rosinante died, She kept track of Law's movement. She knew that Law does not know her existence yet she still protected him in a distance. "I see..."

"What's this? Alyseia interested on someone, a boy too I hear?" Charlotte teases, as she walks out of the deck.

"He looks like a fine man to me if I say so myself" Dia added, joining the tease "and look at that fine abs, I could just simply ravish him!"

"Enough! He's only like a little brother to me that I never met!" Alyseia pouted, a bit defensive as well "and I promise Rosi-san that I'll protect him"

"But he's older though" this time, Ishki added salt at her wounds. Alyseia went on a rampage, chasing her three members that they'll taste her revenge. "And I have to admit, he's quite sexy"

The three of them have safely docked, Alyseia ordered the three of them with different task as she was headed at Tom's place to get their ship. It took her quite some time to arrive, Alyseia already knew her way there but her eyes never left the newspaper, as it had some information about Dressrosa and Doflamingo.

Rage was overflowing in Alyseia's mind, the thought of Doflamingo simply angers her. She kept walking until...


Alyseia fell on the floor, along with the other person. She immidiately recollect her thoughts and possession in hand. She tried to stand but there was a faint pain in her ankle, but didn't paid a lot of attention.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to bump to you, I was just too immersed reading the new!" Alyseia apologizes at the stranger, her eyes suddenly widened. She didn't expected to meet him soon, their meeting was too fast.

Unsure what to do, she wasn't able to move. Not once she ever expected to meet one person she hoped she'll never meet.

It was one and only

Trafalgar Law....


Don't forget to :





- Neku -
Crew name: ????(TBA)

Existing member:

Alyseia Shiroku (Captain)
Age: 26
Ability user: Soundproof
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Ishkiwaremoto Yagito (Mom of the crew)
Age: 25
Ability user: N/A
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Diana Sena (Navigator and Sniper)
Age: 24
Ability user: N/A
Wanted N.Name: TBA

Charlotte Olivier (tba)
Age: 26
Ability user: TBA
Wanted N.Name: TBA

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