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Previous chapter:

Law and Alyseia separated ways at Zou

Current Chapter:

"Captain, Are you sure it was a good idea to leave Law in the dark?" Dia asks, as they landed on the island of slaves to pick up and aid Charlotte.

"Yeah, there's is no need to ask me that" Alyseia answered, it has been almost a month since two of them separated.

Alyseia's crew landed safely without anyone noticing, to their surprise they quickly manage to find Charlotte together with Sabo and Koala. The three of them were in the final stage of preparation, and Alyseia's ship was the last thing they needed.

A ship big enough to free the several slaves...

On the last night of their escape, Alyseia was sadly separated away from her crew again. As she acted on her own to save them from the Marine who were attacking the second boat. Alyseia and Koala was now in charged in the second ship while Sabo and Raven crew was in charged for the Main ship.

"Koala, where we going?" Alyseia asks as she sits down near the ship fence, confronting Koala.

"Wano kingdom, we probably would miss the Strawhats by the time we arrived" Koala answered, sounding a bit sad "we'll arrive around two days since it's a bit close here"

Alyseia simply nodded, and her gaze landed to the night sky. Every slave who wanted their freedom was celebrating, but Alyseia went at the back of the ship, Away from the noisy crowd.

Her mind couldn't help to recall her memories with Law, her face was blank yet their was an emotion of tsunami whirling around her.

Alyseia admitted that she find herself attracted to Law. Her thoughts were filling up with useless imagination that will never come true.

"You're thinking about Law, aren't you?" Koala walked next to her, and Alyseia sighed and did not deny her question.

"I am, I've been thinking about him for a while now" Alyseia sighed again, letting her thought out to the younger female "but it's just a wistful thinking, I don't have time for things like romance and acting like a teenager."

"Alyseia, you know human personality are destructive and ruthless..." Koala joined her at stargazing "but only if you choose to become one. I think everyone deserve to love and think for romance!"

"Deserve to love..." Alyseia murmured those words, a faint smile appears on her face "you sounded like him, clumsy but has a lot of wisdom"

"Who?" Koala asks with curiosity, tilting her head a bit.

"Rosinante..." Alyseia's voice was filled with nostalgia and loneliness "A very dear family member to me, but he is already with the stars."

"I'm sorry," Koala understood that he was no longer alive "I hope I didn't trigger any bad memories"

"There is no point mourning of the past" Alyseia looked at Koala sincerely as a lonely smile appears in her face "I'm going to retire for tonight, goodnight Koala"

"Goodnight, Alyseia"


It was still dawn when the ship finally arrived at the port of Wano Kingdom, every slave was greeted by another revolutionary to get their collar remove to be remove safely.

Koala was contacting the other crew if they have arrived to their destination. Meanwhile, Alyseia sat on one of the roofs as she observed from a distance. She was wearing her dark purple feather mantle to keep her warm, she almost looked like a huge black owl from a distance.

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