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Disclaimer: I don't own the image above.

Previous chapter:
"I need to pick up my first mate"

Current Chapter:

It has been 3 days since the terrorist attack, 3 people have successfully escaped. Today was like no other one, Enies lobby was filled with the scent of salt water, every men and woman working for the Marine are too busy with their own errands.

Alyseia and her group arrived in the afternoon, she immediately headed at one of the town in Enies lobby.

Charlotte Olivier...

A Katana sword weilder, her silver hair was kept short, almost like a female version of Issho Fujitora. Charlotte was already born blind since birth. The two of them have been together ever since Rosinante's death, but due to the prejudice about her disability and because of sexism happening, she was kicked out and deemed to be useless before she could ever prove herself.




The sound of Charlotte's cane can be faintly heard as Alyseia was nearby her friend.

"Charlotte!" Alyseia called her silver haired friend, she was 2 blocks away when Charlotte heard her completely fine.

"Alyseia? Is that you?" Charlotte asked as she heard a sound of a running person closing in, and stopped to hug her "what are you doing here? Aren't you busy from your duties as a rear Admiral?"

"I don't have a lot of time to explain but, would you come with me?" Alyseia held Charlotte's hand, her blue green eyes met with her closed eyes.

"Come where?" The silver haired girl was a bit confuse, her friend asking her to go to undetermined location.

"Where we could be free" Alyseia answered, those words had so much power. Charlotte immidiately understood what was happening.

"You don't mean, you did the b-" still a bit shocked, it made her speechless.

"I'll be leaving here in 2 days time" Alyseia interupted her, she gave out a hopeful smile, not that she would see it. "we'll be meeting you by the docks if you ever want to come with us"

There was silence between the two, their thoughts were preventing them to speak.

"I truly hope you'll come with us"

The two separated in their own ways, Alyseia meet up with the other two. A bit confuse to why she didn't returned with her supposedly first mate.

"We have no boat, no crew but we have money" Ishki spoke, three of them were shopping for food "the higher-ups should've read our letters of resignation by now. We're jobless"

"About the ship, It's already prepared." Alyseia was looking through fruits, apples in particular "Rosinante had prepared them long time ago, all we had to do is to pick them up"

"So, where are we going to pick up this ship?" Dia perked up, grabbing everything that interested her.

"Your going to kill me for this, but," she grabbed the apple and tossed a silver berry at the merchant " it's at Water 7"

"Uwah, another suicide travel!" Dia cheered, she knew how it is heavily guarded "seems exciting!"

"That's about few weeks travel, were going to need a lot of vitamin C, and other nutrients..." Ishki started to mumble thing related for their health

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