Favorite Star

446 12 11

Pairing: Simon & Vik (ministar123)
Type: Fluff *trigger warning*
Words: 919

3rd POV
Vik slowly opened his eyes to see Simon next to him in bed. Vik quietly rolled over and grabbed his phone off the nightstand. He unlocked his phone and opened up to his and Simon's coming out video. He began scrolling through the comments seeing what people had to say.


Why the hell is Simon dating him? He could have anyOne in the world, and he choose him

Vik should just kill himself

Kill yourself

Vik put his phone down and sighed. He then, very carefully slid out of bed without waking or disturbing Simon. He grabbed his overnight bag and slipped into the bathroom.

Vik set his bag on the toilet and looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes with held tears but one had escaped down his cheek. He opened his bag and took out his razor. He slowly lifted his razor and looked at it. The comments are right. Vik thought.

He than began cutting his arm. One for Simon. Two for being gay. Three for being unwanted. He put his razor down and looked at his work. He saw that the third had been deeper than usual, but he didn't care. The comments were right, he should just die so Simon doesn't have to deal with him.

Vik opened his bag again and started to take out a shirt when he felt dizzy. He looked up into the mirror to see that he had three heads. "Finally," he said quietly before falling and smacking his head on the corner of the sink.

Knock knock


Knock Knock

"Vik? Did you try to reach something on the top shelf again?"

Simon turned the door handle and slowly opened it. "Vik?" He said quietly has the door hit something. Simon looked down to see Vik bleeding from both his arm and his head.

"VIK?!" Simon began to grab Vik's shirt from his bag and tie it around the wounds. "JOSH! CALL SOMEONE! ITS VIK"

Simon rolled Vik over and pulled him into his arms. "Please, please, don't die. I need you Vik, I need you"

"Simon they are on their way." Josh said quietly at the bathroom door.

~time skip~

Simon paced throughout the waiting room. It had been 2 hours since Vik had been admitted. And no one would tell him anything. Josh had been there too, trying to convince Simon to eat something but he couldn't. Simon was afraid he would miss something from the doctor.

After a while of waiting, the doctor finally came out.

"Vik is in a coma. He lost a lot of blood from both his head and arm wounds. You can go visit him now."

Simon quietly mumbled thank you and ran to Vik's room. He opened the door and saw Vik with tubes running all over him. He walked over to Vik and put his hand on Vik's. His hand was cold and felt lifeless.

Tears started to fall from Simon's eyes as he sat in the chair next to the bed.

"Vik I love you so much. Please."

Josh came through the door with a look of pain on his face. Vik had promised not to cut again but he had.

Simon closed his eyes, praying that Vik would just be okay. As he was praying, he felt Vik move his arm a little. Simon opened his eyes to see Vik slowly awaking from his coma.

"Simon?" Vik said almost as a whisper.

"Vik!" Simons face lit up with a big smile.

"I'm sorry"

"Vik, it is okay. You don't need to be sor-" Simon stopped as he noticed that Vik was drifting off again. "Vik?"

Simon grabbed Vik's shoulder and shook him a little

"Vik, are you alr-"

Simon was cut off as the beeping of the heart machine came slowly to a stop. Vik's heart had stopped.

Simon stood in per shock as the nurse and doctors came flooding in.

"Sir, please step outside"

Josh took Simons arm and led him to the waiting room. Once they got there, they saw that the rest of the sidemen had come to support.

Josh sat Simon down and bent down in front of him.

"It will be ok" Josh said quietly

They waited for what seemed like hours but was only a couple minutes.

The doctor slowly made her way into the waiting room and walked towards the sidemen. They met her gaze as she reached them.

"I'm sorry, there was nothing we could do"

~time skip~

It had been 4 days since Vik died and nothing felt the same. Simon hadn't recorded a video and was considering to quit YouTube. No one had really spoken to Simon since that day, and he didn't leave his room.

However, he left his room today because of his funeral. He slowly walked down the stairs to see all the sidemen had arrived and that they were ready to go. No one talked to each other, just stared.

When they arrived at the grave site of where he was going to be buried, all of Vik's family hugged Simon. They had known of their relationship and felt heartbroken that this had happened.

~time skip~

At the end of the funeral, they all started walking to their cars. All except Simon. Simon placed a rose onto the casket and backed away a little bit.

Simon began to shed some tears as he said "you will always be my favorite star."

•Thank you for reading my fanfiction! Please let me know your comments about it😊!!
•Please also let me know if you have any request (smut or fluff)


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