The Skype Call

411 11 5

Pairing: JJ & Vik (KStar123) and a little bit of Lachlan & Vik (vikklan)
Type: fluff
Words: 1533

Jj's POV
"Good Morning Babe," I said as I kissed Vik on the head and grabbed a bowl of cereal.

He flinched a little when I did so and then went back to eating his cereal. I sat across from him and watched him shove little bits of cereal into his mouth. "What are you doing today Vikk?" I asked trying to stop the awkward that was hanging between us. "Recording," he mumbled quietly without taking his eyes off the bowl. I didn't question his actions, I figured he just didn't get any sleep last night as usual. "I'm going to take a shower," I said excusing myself from him. He nodded slowly without lifting his eyes off the bowl. As I was walking out I heard him sigh and take out his phone.

I walked up stairs and came to a hault at Vik's room. I had noticed that his TV was still on and I went into his room to turn it off. As I turned to leave, I saw skype open to his and Lachlan's messages.

Lachlan: that map was so much fun!

Vik: I love doing maps with you

Lachlan: I have to go record another map, love ya.

Vik: love ya to Little Lachy

Are they dating? I thought but I quickly shook it out. Vik wouldn't leave me. Would he? I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard, small footsteps coming up the stairs that I knew belonged to Vik. I started walking towards the door and was met by Vik holding his cereal bowl.

"What are you doing in my room?" He asked as he glanced at his computer. His cheeks got red and guilt washed over his face.

"Saw that your tv was on." I gestured towards the TV and he nodded his head and mumbled thank you.

I pushed by him and headed to my room. I got to my room, closed and locked my door. I plopped myself on to the bed and debated with myself. Does he not love me anymore? Maybe I should break up with him. Or maybe I should just stay with him and see where we go. I sighed not knowing what to do. So I just decided to take a shower and maybe forget about the things that happen. Everyone has a ruff patch in their relationship.

I walked towards the bathroom, stopping every so feet to pick up clothes and a towel. I reached the bathroom and put my clothes and towel on the toilet. I turned towards the tub and pushed the red shower curtain back just enough to be able to reach the faucet. I turned it towards the hot side and then pulled the tab so it would come out the shower head. I backed out and pushed the shower curtain shut and started to undress myself. I slowly got in and flinched when the some what hot water hit my skin. I turned my body and had the water running down my back. Or do they?

~time skip~

"We need a forth person for this game." Simon stated while setting up the game.

Me, Vik, and Simon were all going to record together but they needed a forth person to make even teams. The rest of the sidemen were busy so they couldn't get any of them.

"Lachlan isn't busy, I could ask him." Vik said while turning on his face cam on the skype call.

I stared at his face and saw his cheeks turning a color of red. Why does he want him to join?

"That works." Simon said as Vik began to add Lachlan to the call.

I began to make my daily checks of the equipment when I heard a deep Australian voice take over the skype call.

"Hi Lachlan!" Vik said excitedly over the call. He seemed much more happy when Lachlan was in the call.

"So me and Lachlan can be a team. Jj and Simon can be a team."

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