Josh's Little Star

274 13 0

Pairing: Zerkstar (Josh & Vik)
Type: fluff
Words: 284

Josh's POV
11:57 pm

I had been editing for 3 hours straight. I could feel the bags under my eyes. I got up from chair and walked towards my door to see Vik looking out the hallway window in to the backyard. I rubbed my eyes, as I moved over to the small boy.

"Vik?" I called quietly, careful not to wake potential others that are in the house.

"Aren't the stars pretty?"

I moved next to him in the window and saw that the entire sky was lit up with stars. I looked down at Vik who had his eyes wide with wonder.

"Come with me." I grabbed his hand and lead him down the stairs, to the backyard. Once we reached the back yard, we both sat on the hammock. I kept one foot off it to keep us steady and not let us fall off. Vik leaned into my chest, but kept his eyes on the sky. I tightened my grip around Vik and pulled him closer towards me, my warmth radiating off on to him.

After a while, I had realized that I had been lost in the stars. I was brought back into realization when I heard the sound of Vik's soft snoring. I smiled gently and started to rub his arm. He shifted a little and I started to move my leg, to rock him so he didn't wake up.

"My little star."

~thanks for reading my oneshot
~if you wanna chat about sidemen/pack please message me 😊
~if you have a request or wanna do a collaboration please message me or comment

Thanks for all the support😉

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