Polar Bears

275 13 3

Pairing: Vik & Lachlan (vikklan)
Type: fluff
Words: 808

Vik's POV
The London Zoo

The only place that could make me feel better. I had just found out that Simon cheated on me with Josh. 2 years, 2 years I wasted my li-. I cut myself off so I wouldn't torture myself anymore.

I sighed and walked through the entrance of the zoo. I frown on my face until I saw the bird exhibit. I walked over and saw all the interesting birds. I was drowning in the beauty of colors, until a thick Australian accent pulled me out. I turned to see a tall, blond, blue eye boy staring back. I made eye contact for only a moment, before looking him up and down. I made eye contact with him again and muttered a quiet "what" as I didn't hear his comment or question towards me.

He smiled big at me and repeated his question, "do you know where the polar bears are mate?"

"Oh uh," he chuckled at my nervousness, "on the other side of the zoo."

"Oh, I didn't really want to stay here long." He mumbled quietly, rubbing the back of his neck, "thanks."

He frowned and turned, about to walk away. I put my hand on his shoulder, feeling a connection with him, like maybe we had something in common. He turned around to look at me. I could see hurt in his eyes. "Whats wrong?"

"I don't really want to walk around the zoo alone, you know?"

"I could walk around with you, I'm not here with anyone."

His smiled returned to his face as he responded, "sure."

We moved away from the birds and walked along the path towards the polar bears. We stopped at the lions pit and saw that it was dinner time for them. We watched them eat, excepted for one lion that completely ignored the steak.

"Why is he just lion around?"

He chuckled at my pun and I stopped. I have never met anyone that liked or even laughed at my puns.

"I'm not lion, that was a good pun." I chuckled at his pun and moved closer to him.

"So if you don't mind me asking, why are you at the zoo alone?"

He sighed and moved his hands from his pockets to the fence, moving his face towards the floor. "Oh I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine. I was supposed to meet my boyfriend here but he was too busy with his girlfriend. I flew all the way from Australia and he does this to me."

I frowned almost immediately and put my hand on his "I'm sorry."

"Why are you here alone?" He asked turning in my direction

"My boyfriend cheated on me and the zoo makes me go to my happy place, I guess."

He turned his hand over and he laced his fingers with mine. He squeezed tightly on my hand and let go. I put my hand up on my face almost immediately, hiding the blush that was forming on my cheek.

We walked away from the lion's pit and continued down the walkway in silence. Once we reached the polar bear area, the tall blond took off towards the pen. He was more eager than a little kid. "Why do you want to see polar bears so much?" I asked finally catching up with him at the fence.

"Mate, I come from Australia. There are no polar bears in Australia." He responded chuckling and running his finger through his hair.

I chuckled along with him and we both turned back to the bears, watching them walk around the pen. I had my focus on one special bear though. He kept sitting in the corner, then getting up to join the others, then back to the corner. I have the-. I was cut off by the thick Australian voice again. "That bear seems bipolar." We both cracked up laughing at the stupid pun that was made.

Once  we had calm down from the pun and he was satisfied with the sight of the bears, we continued back up the pathway towards the entrance of the park.

"I'm Lachlan, by the way."

"I'm Vik."

~time skip~

Once we went through the exit, we stopped at the bench and I pulled out my car keys and phone. Lachlan also pulled out his phone and looked upset at whatever was on it.

"Oh no."

"What?" I asked, concern flowing through my voice.

"I lost my number! Can I have yours?"

I chuckled and we switched phones. We both placed our numbers into the phones and switched back.

"So how long you staying in London?"

"As long as you want me too."

I chuckled again and took his hand in mine. "I liked that."

Who would of known, that cheating boyfriends could bring two people together.

~thanks for reading my oneshot
~if you wanna chat about sidemen/pack please message me 😊
~if you have a request or wanna do a collaboration please message me or comment

Thanks for all the support😉

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