
194 6 0

Pairing: minizerk (Josh & Simon)
Type: fluff
Words: 237

Simon: can I have advice pls?

Josh: on?

Simon: I wanna ask this guy out but I don't know if what I wanna say sounds right :/

Josh: tell me it and I'll let you know

Simon: I've liked you for a long time and I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to go out? :)

Josh: I would love too!
Josh: see was good.
Jos: ask him!

Simon: I just did. 😉

Josh: what?

Simon: you.

Josh: I'm sorry
Josh: Simon, I don't like you that way
Josh: im sorry
Read 9:18

Josh: Simon?
Josh: Simon, are you okay?
Josh: im sorry.
Read 9:49

Simon: well I screwed up my life.


Simon: asked him out

Vik: and?

Simon: he said no and that he doesn't like me that way.

Vik: I'm sorry.
Vik: anything I can do?

Vik: Simon?
Vik: Simon, I just heard the door open and close, was that you?

Vik: Simon?

Vik: Simon please don't do anything stupid.

Simon: I'm just doing something that needs to be done.


A/N: Wrote this a while back and never posted. Wasn't sure about it, but here it is.

~thanks for reading my oneshot
~if you wanna chat about sidemen/pack please message me 😊
~if you have a request or wanna do a collaboration please message me or comment

Thanks for all the support😉

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