Sneezing Kills

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Pairing: Simon & Harry (minishaw)
Type: fluff
Words: 533

Harry's POV
I awoke to the feeling of someone kissing my neck. I turned around to see Simon smiling back at me. I smiled back and moved closer to place my head on his chest. I felt his chest move and heard his heart beating. I took a deep breathe and took in this moment.

I pulled back from Simon and we caught each other's gazes. I moved closer and placed my forehead on his. I stared into his baby blue eyes. We both enjoyed each other's company and we both enjoyed these silent moments where we just appreciate each other. It was all going well, I was happy.

"Ahh-coo" Simon sneezed, scaring me and causing me to jump back. I jumped so far back I rolled off the bed and smacked my forehead on the night stand.

"Bless you." I said with my face to the floor.

I heard Simon shift to the side of the bed where I was. I continued to lay on the floor until I heard his voice ring through my ears, "what are you doing on the floor silly?" He giggled and smirked grabbing my arm, helping me off the ground. The smirk soon left his face, when he saw my cut forehead.

"Oh baby, sit on the bed. I am going to get a first aid kit." Simon said getting off the bed, worry flowing through his voice.

I sat on the bed and held my head. It felt like I had a splitting head or that I was hungover from drinking too much from the day before.

I heard Simon run back in and sit on the bed next to me. He turned my head and began to wipe my blood off my forehead. "Sorry for scaring you and making you fall off the bed." I chuckled a little and winced from the pain. He put disinfect on the cut and put a small bandage on the cut. I then felt him lean forward on the bed and kiss the cut.

I opened my eyes, to see his blue eyes covered in worry. "Thank you." I muttered running my hand through my hair.

He smiled and pushed me down towards the bed, "let's try this again."

I look at him with confusion and watched him lay down next to me. He put the covers over us and pulled me closer. My worried face quickly became a love face and I moved closer kissing him.

"I love you."

"I love you too, even though you almost killed me." I said chuckling.

He smiled and pulled me closer and I snuggled my head further into his chest.

"Don't you dare sneeze again."

Prompt (tumblr):
-Lying in bed, foreheads pressed against each together, just gazing into each other's eyes and taking it all in. Everything is silent. Until person A sneezes and scares Person B so badly that they fall out of bed.

~thanks for reading my oneshot
~if you wanna chat about sidemen/pack please message me 😊
~if you have a request or wanna do a collaboration please message me or comment

Thanks for all the support😉

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