Batman and Robin

226 10 4

Pairing: ?
Type: fluff
Words: 661

Vik's POV
"Look at the little nerd going to math."

"You're going to the same math class as me." I stated looking up at the tall blond boy. He had his hair Gelled up and his blue eyes sparkled. I was currently being harassed by the usual bully of our school. Simon. He was so rude. And of course he had his usual group with him and laughing along, Lachlan and Josh.

Simon pushed me one more time into the lockers and then proceeded into the classroom. I moved into the classroom also, sitting in the front next to my two friends, Rob and Preston.

"So we are going to the Halloween party, right?" Rob asked leaning his head back on Prestons desk.

"Yup. I think I'm going to be Robin." I said taking out my math textbook and notebook. "What are you two going to be? Couple costumes, in assuming?"

Preston nodded and kissed Robs head, earning an "awe" from the girls next to us. Rob blushed and put his head on his desk, with his face down.

"We are going as Bert and Ernie."

I laughed and shook my head. They were definitely a different couple.

~time skip~

I arrived at the party around 8:30. The party was already crazy when I did. I saw Preston and Rob by the drinks. I moved my way over when I ran into someone, dropping my phone and his.

"I'm so sorry!" I said bending down with him, who I known as 'batman.'

"It's fine." He smiled and we stood back up, not breaking eye contact. I could see the piercing ocean blue eyes through the mask. Simon. "I'll see you around." He winked and walked away from me, leaving me in surprise. Why was he nice? Does he only bully during school? I thought about the eyes and realized something was different, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe it had love in it? No.

"Vik!" I turned to see Rob and Preston coming towards me. "Who was that?"

"I think... Simon?"

"I don't thi-"

"Move nerd." I was pushed on to the ground by Simon. I looked up, prepared to see Batman, but I saw.... a zombie? Wait, if that wasn't Simon, who was it?

"Leave him alone." I felt two strong arms pick me off the ground and dust me off. "And don't touch him again." I felt the arms move me over and punch Simon. Batman. Simon fell to the ground and Batman turned around back to me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd, taking me outside.

"Thanks." I said once we go to the sidewalk. He kept my hand in mine and we strolled down the sidewalk.

"No problem." He stopped me in the gaze of the street light and he looked down at me. "I'm sorry, I didn't say anything sooner. I was afraid to go against him. But tonight, it gave me so much life. I never liked when he bullied you."

"It's fine." I said pulling me mask down to my neck. "Lachlan, right?"

Lachlan pulled off his mask and he let it hang behind him like the hood of a sweatshirt. I smiled and saw that his eyes were filled with concern and love.

"I don't want anyone to hurt you."

He pulled me in close and I gasped. We both breathed deeply and connected lips. As we kissed, I heard two voices come up next to us, but we ignored it and finished our kiss.

We let go and both were out of breath.


Pairing: vikklan (vik & lachlan)
- did anyone see that coming ? I honestly didn't and I wrote it!

~thanks for reading my oneshot
~if you wanna chat about sidemen/pack please message me 😊
~if you have a request or wanna do a collaboration please message me or comment

Thanks for all the support😉

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